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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. If the girls you fraternise with have that much body hair...
  2. And you should see the photos. You do realise that if you're friends with Martin on Facebook they're quite visible because he commented on one of them. ;) Serves him right for tagging a me that wasn't me.
  3. And you should see the photos.
  4. Cracking live act too (Okkervil River that is).
  5. Well since there's no way I can compete on the Blokes Pressing Buttons/Playing Guitars front, I shall brave a mention of Kathy Mattea's "Coal" as the best thoroughly depressing rootsy Americana album of the year.
  6. And it'd even make me buy a ticket like a proper fan.
  7. My knowledge of pub opening times has deteriorated in the last 7 months but I presume it'll open early Will be lovely to see you anyway Likewise. Won't be up for Spurs and probably won't have a ticket for Liverpool, but the drink is the most important bit. I take it the fact we have 6k empty seats every game has passed you by then? Do we play football or something? In all seriousness, I hadn't even thought about getting a ticket until now and just assumed we'd be sold out on the day (festive season and all), regardless of our current troubles. If there are tickets to be had on cash turnstiles on the day, I'll be there. That good enough? Not sure about cash turnstiles, but if you want one getting I'll pick you one up (I have to go for a dirty protest next week anyway ) Some real fan you are.
  8. My knowledge of pub opening times has deteriorated in the last 7 months but I presume it'll open early Will be lovely to see you anyway Likewise. Won't be up for Spurs and probably won't have a ticket for Liverpool, but the drink is the most important bit. I take it the fact we have 6k empty seats every game has passed you by then? Do we play football or something? In all seriousness, I hadn't even thought about getting a ticket until now and just assumed we'd be sold out on the day (festive season and all), regardless of our current troubles. If there are tickets to be had on cash turnstiles on the day, I'll be there. That good enough?
  9. That's why I thought the Saturday after Christmas (rather than before) might be more of a goer. Mind you, I'm in Edinburgh for the day and don't get in until half eight, so I don't know why I'm arguing the toss really.
  10. And having it misspelled throughout your professional career too.
  11. aas deein shite aal. Fella's out at his office christmas bash, so I intend to destroy some cheap plonk and terrorise the internetz.
  12. My knowledge of pub opening times has deteriorated in the last 7 months but I presume it'll open early Will be lovely to see you anyway Likewise. Won't be up for Spurs and probably won't have a ticket for Liverpool, but the drink is the most important bit.
  13. And quite why you should know that is beyond me, so ignore that bit.
  14. I assume the Trent will be open from 11 on the 28th? Will be out before and after either way.
  15. They have that on at the gym. It's brutally unfair.
  16. It's funny but they really don't like it up them, do they? Do make yourself a little trophy for every time you "win"? No I just have a little smile for every time someone gets annoyed over something everyone else (or Happy, Chezzy & Manc-Foplite and others anyway) does. Do you design the trophies so they just "happen" to be the perfect length for a ticklesome prostate massage? Just out of curiosity, how long is that exactly? He's been through any number of prototypes trying to find out. You illustrate my point perfectly. Exactly the kind of reply I'd expect from someone who watches himself in a full-length mirror while sticking "I win the Internets" trophies up his jacksy.
  17. It's funny but they really don't like it up them, do they? Do make yourself a little trophy for every time you "win"? No I just have a little smile for every time someone gets annoyed over something everyone else (or Happy, Chezzy & Manc-Foplite and others anyway) does. Do you design the trophies so they just "happen" to be the perfect length for a ticklesome prostate massage? Just out of curiosity, how long is that exactly? He's been through any number of prototypes trying to find out.
  18. It's funny but they really don't like it up them, do they? Do make yourself a little trophy for every time you "win"? No I just have a little smile for every time someone gets annoyed over something everyone else (or Happy, Chezzy & Manc-Foplite and others anyway) does. Do you design the trophies so they just "happen" to be the perfect length for a ticklesome prostate massage?
  19. It's funny but they really don't like it up them, do they? Do make yourself a little trophy for every time you "win"?
  20. How many threads does it take to ruin a forum?
  21. I'd have pointed it out by now but I'm enjoying this too much.
  22. Meenzer


    Their decline corresponds to an extent with the disappearance of the shop-based CD market and the death of the CD single in favour of downloads - for a long time they were the only place in most small towns/on most local high streets where you could get a decent range of chart music at a reasonable price, but them Amazon and iTunes came along, and whoops.
  23. Meenzer


    Yeah, Woolies not only became irrelevant but was several years late in recognising its own irrelevance. It's a shame to see it go, though, and anyone seeing it purely as a chance to grab a bargain without any sympathy for the thousands of people affected is clearly a kernt.
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