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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. To be fair, the sheer awfulness of that song prejudiced (jaundiced?) me against them right from the start. They've come up with the occasional decent song since then, but I'd rather not admit it.
  2. There's an awful lot of wishful thinking in this thread all of a sudden.
  3. We had a few of them too. He had one decent album IIRC, but only when he got an actual vocalist in to help him write some actual songs.
  4. Primal Scream - Dirty Hits (Bonus Remix CD) Gerrin.
  5. Blatantly fancies you and worries about what'll happen if he has too much drink in your company. Or am I just projecting my own feelings onto him? I've never seen you worried about being intoxicated in my company, to be fair.
  6. You can go to extremes with what you accept within a relationship, of course. A mate of mine refuses to stay out for any longer than is strictly necessary - if we're going out for a meal, he'll turn up as we're ordering and leave money on the table so he can scarper before the plates are taken away - because he's so brutally paranoid about not wanting to upset his wife. Who is, of course, the most lovely and easy-going person you could ever wish to meet. Ho hum.
  7. Only trouble is you still hate them at the 10-year reunion because their smarminess has got them further in life than you could ever dream of.
  8. It's clearly the way forward.
  9. Regardless, it's still clearly what he thinks.
  10. I was about to say "already?!" then I realised how long it's been since the Fulham match already. Let us know when you're back over mate.
  11. I never tire of searching the forum for "cock". Anyway, I see we're back on Sky this Sunday, 1.30pm KO. Anyone feeling masochistic?
  12. Then they came for the call centres, but I did not speak up, as I was being held in a queue.
  13. Brown would have to call a snap election right now to capitalise on that, though. If he holds out until 2010, people will have seen through his economic "rescue" measures by then. ...again this is a worldwide economic crisis. Regardless of how true that may be, and no matter how much Brown keeps claiming "the Americans started it", people will still blame the government of the day at the ballot box when they're out of a job and the country's in a depression.
  14. Brown would have to call a snap election right now to capitalise on that, though. If he holds out until 2010, people will have seen through his economic "rescue" measures by then.
  15. Islamic banks ftw Political suicide bombers?
  16. Although I realise that kind of thing is probably political suicide. It's depressing how many sensible measures are these days.
  17. Imposing some kind of limits on buy-to-let landlords and 100%+ interest-only mortgages at ridiculous multiples of income would have been a start.
  18. The international banking system fucked the economy not the goveenment - though they do deserve a bit of blame for lack of regulation. There may be truth in that from a top-down perspective, but from the bottom up (i.e. us plebs) the government deserves a good deal of blame for letting house prices and personal debt spiral to unsustainable levels.
  19. My what now? Never mind, I wiki'd it. Still think it was unnecessarily personal though.
  20. I know they're the two singles and it's screamingly obvious, but those are the only two songs from the Second Coming I could ever really get along with. I do them quite an awful lot though.
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