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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Jesus christ man, how long did it take you to work out what he meant? I don't know, you can't get the staff these days...
  2. Meenzer


    Hope you had a good one m'dear.
  3. Could be worse, we could be talking turkey basters. Well I suppose it's sort of festive...
  4. Meenzer

    FAO Soccermom

    She's certainly got a few of this lot by the short and curlies.
  5. A neat little DVD stand from Argos, since space is at a premium (and he keeps buying Star Trek box sets ). Assembled it all by myself. My thumbs will have Allen key imprints for weeks.
  6. P.S. I fucking rock at Paint.
  7. Don't you work from home though? Like you've ever been subtle about drinking on the job! It tends to improve the standard of my work to be honest.
  8. Yes, it's about time, Meenz Too right. I'll even give it a polish for the occasion.
  9. Aye, the market for plywood shoeboxes is positively booming.
  10. Cheers all. Will take those tips and have a good old-fashioned Actually Trying Stuff On In Shops session at some point over the festive period.
  11. It'll be #2 tomorrow apparently. Outsold 5:1 though. Ho hum.
  12. William Gaillard wishes you a thoroughly rules-compliant birthday.
  13. OK. My no-brand German running shoes are finally giving up the ghost after several years of me giving them a damn good pounding, so I'm after a new pair (preferably with a tasty pre-/post-Christmas sales discount, but that's not vital). Only trouble is I don't think I've ever bought a pair of functional shoes in this country. Anyone got any recommendations? (I realise that these things are brutally subjective, foot-shape-specific and all the rest of it.) I'm not looking for serious running gear, more something that's suitable for the three-times-a-week jogger.
  14. There's already a pretty comprehensive thread on favourite albums. Or are you after specific "tracks", daddy-o?
  15. There's nowt better than drinking at your desk legitimately and without having to sneak a bottle of Not Exactly Pure Coca-Cola out of your desk every so often and all.
  16. Oh look at Mr. Lah-di-dah London over there, receiving a blowjob indeed. What happened to good old-fashioned getting?
  17. Well, yes and no - my landlord, like so many, has a buy-to-let empire of properties that could easily collapse any time soon, so future security isn't exactly a given. But obviously in the grand scheme of things, anything that brings houses (rather than plywood boxes) back into the realms of the sensibly affordable has to be positive.
  18. Well if they wanted a crash but they're trying to get a mortgage now, when there's still a good 30-50% to go, then they weren't really in it with their heart and soul in the first place anyway.
  19. Well that's it. If we could just persuade everyone to take the hit now, rather than stringing it out, we could start recovering sooner. But instead we get measure after measure to prolong any kind of positive movement, so the downside will be even longer and tougher than it needed to be. Ho hum.
  20. And you bought EDS, you buggers. They used to be our customer. HP bought us. I used to be your customer. A-ha.
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