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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I suppose it's appropriate that she goes out in a blaze of publicity, it'd have been strange any other way. I hope she has a relatively painless end, her kids are well looked after and we all forget about her within a few years.
  2. Ah well, if it's good enough for nufc.com to flag up... That first half man.
  3. Meenzer


    They do it. Apparently it takes about 1-2 years driving around on a moped. Monkey spunk? Take a right down Threadneedle Street and it's between Dark Hangman's Yard and Cocknose Lane.
  4. Pistachios and cashews are awesome. Crisp-wise, it has to be plain Kettle Chips.
  5. Gah. You mean you're leaving me home alone with the Fish again? I'm getting sick of his inappropriate way with a sausage sandwich. Well the joke's on you fucko. I'll be in Leeds reliving past glories. Make your own damn banger-sangers! Excellent. Front door key under a plantpot pls.
  6. Yeah, I'm not really thinking from a legal perspective here. It's just my gut reaction at an obviously fairly mature lass posing for a family photo with a baby and a boy who's supposed to be the father. It's hard to think of him as the sexual aggressor somehow. If he turns out to be exactly that then I take it all back, naturally.
  7. Bah. So much comic potential about how she's a disgusting paedophile, and this is what comes out of it? If I were a dirty old man I'd be considering legal action.
  8. Sometimes. There's only a couple of people at my company I get on with particularly well, though (as evidenced by trips to the Christmas party every year), and I see them plenty outside of work. As for the day-to-day stuff, you just have to make sure you create a life outside the house - as long as you're the one doing the errands and you've got nights out in town, gigs etc. to look forward to, foregoing the daily commute isn't the worst thing in the world. Maybe that's the difference - my first company had an effective "10% personal Internet use only" rule (though god knows how they intended to enforce it), but I made it perfectly clear to them that I can't work effectively without MSN, chatrooms, this place etc. constantly in the background to distract me. They agreed and I made it work. A less considerate employer might let you go for that kind of thing.
  9. I've worked from home since early 2004 - freelance for a couple of years, full-time since then (with a company that believes in telecommuting). Not sure I could ever become part of an office environment again, which will likely prove a problem at some point...
  10. Gah. You mean you're leaving me home alone with the Fish again? I'm getting sick of his inappropriate way with a sausage sandwich.
  11. New PC. Or rather a new barebone system that I can slot older stuff into - back to XP for me.
  12. After beeing welcomed in such a friendly manner., like i said, i aint new to this place, visited for a while before joining, and pop in as a visitor most days, dont ask me why , im always logged on to N-o,.. but always logged out of this place,..it just auotomatically does it. Really didnt expect such hostility like, over a nothing post, really,...manc mag, comes across as a right tosser, too much time spent with mancs,... or he is one of em??? It takes about 3 years before someone offers you a pint in here. But it makes it all worthwhile when they come all the way to Germany to do it.
  13. Well, I sit at the front and pretend to be the driver, anyway...
  14. No wonder you're so evasive about your vocation. You're one of those fellas who hangs round the entrance to Sternschanze S-Bahn with a pack of dogs and an empty coffee cup for collecting the spare euro-cents, aren't you?
  15. It's not as if we've been a Christian country since yer man got nailed to a cross.
  16. I've never met a Chelsea fan, JCL or otherwise, despite living in London for nigh on 3 years. I count myself superbly fortunate.
  17. I once collared an "immagrints oot!" leaflet-dropper from a right-wing German party when I was living in Mainz. Engaged her in polite but sceptical discussion for about 10 minutes then asked if she realised I was an immigrant too. To her credit, she didn't fall for the "yes, but you wash and you don't smell of curry" line as I was expecting.
  18. Mine would have fallen off by now if I applied that logic to our performances over the last few years.
  19. Finally caught The Devil Wears Prada when it was on pov telly the other day. Wasn't exactly expecting a masterpiece, but I still ended up disappointed by how mundane it all was. I was expecting bitchiness.
  20. Meenzer

    Red Dwarf

    Episode-wise, I have a weird soft spot for "White Hole". It's not the best or the funniest or anything like that, but I loves it, I does. And the Cat's "Flames and peach? Ooh, I'd rather die" from "Rimmerworld" is probably the most incongruous use of high camp ever.
  21. Been thinking about you mate, it's been horrible to watch. Glad to hear your lot are safe and well at least.
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