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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. :icon_lol: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: IT'S ONLY THE INTERNET :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: IT'S ONLY THE INTERNET :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: IT'S ONLY THE INTERNET :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie:
  2. Decent interest rates to encourage saving, anyone? (I know, I know, it's not that simple...)
  3. Japanese house prices are still depressed as hell compared with their ridiculous peaks, though - and since this government cares more about house price inflation than any other supposed benchmark of economic performance, we'd still be fucked.
  4. No shortage of NHS places around here. The beauty of living in the impoverished sahf-east. Of course their main tools are a pneumatic drill and a trowel full of concrete, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.
  5. The most rhetorical of rhetorical questions, I hope. It's just pitiful.
  6. Right, so am I the only person who applied and didn't get in? I'm going to get stroppy in a minute.
  7. Apparently van der Sar will be kitted out with a highlights reel of our best corners that fail to beat the first man tonight, just in case he gets bored.
  8. Never relied on it myself (my two periods of unemployment while over there were entirely voluntary and self-funded). Half the people in my building in Hamburg seemed to be on Hartz IV benefits though, including the smelly woman with the retarded kid who spent most of her days shuffling between her front door and the local Penny Markt while shoving a battered old trolley. Hope that helps.
  9. Of all the threads for a spambot to target...
  10. The Irish one nearly went to Eurovision once. (Mind you, so has everyone in Ireland.) The gays' loss is the Jimbo Brigade's gain. You're welcome.
  11. I've never had one, although i've only been driving for four years. I've never had one, although I haven't driven for the best part of ten years.
  12. Vince is often right, just several years too late. I suppose it's better than most politicians can hope for.
  13. Yeah, I was looking to run for a specific charity that doesn't buy GNR places (even though they're active at the RVI - grrr), hence applying independently. I might still go down that route with a different charity though.
  14. Done. Applied for the GNR myself but didn't get in, probably going to do a wee 10k at some point instead and see how that goes. Not quite as much of a commitment, but I'll still be hassling you good people for donations in due course.
  15. And if you could wait a few years and chip away at it for £400 instead?
  16. Beg pardon? Oh well - if you see getting on the "ladder" as such a luxury it's worth busting a gut for when the same property is going to be worth 30-40% less in a couple of years and you can get a far shorter mortgage on it, be my guest. Even with the obscene interest rates on offer at the minute, you'd be daft not to rent.
  17. Also, if you don't have a deposit then banks will at you anyway. 10% is an absolute, absolute, absolute minimum for any kind of decent deal at the moment, and if you want a non-rip-off interest rate then you have to be looking in the region of 20-25%. Otherwise forget it.
  18. As a basic principle, if the market value of a "home" is such that you can't afford one without having to share with another person, it's too expensive. Wait another 3-4 years until the full impact of the crash has played out - there'll be plenty to choose from then.
  19. Wow, what a missed opportunity to do something funny.
  20. Just adds insult to injury. She earned that 14k by allowing fat, bearded old blokes to cum on her face. "Welcome to womanhood, love."
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