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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I suppose I'll be dragged along to see this. I'm more the DS9 type myself, these funky explosions you use do not excite me.
  2. Absolutely. Provided the price is right. Arturo González, come on down!
  3. Meenzer


    "The Bart, The"
  4. That's nowt to be ashamed of. Life's too short.
  5. You got my hopes up. It's the original with a male vocal instead of a female vocal. Why would I want that?
  6. This ^^ It's about the rest as much as the exercise.
  7. And I thought the gays were bad with their promiscuity and lack of morals and tear-jerking showtunes. SRSLY THO: I don't care if I sound like an old man here; if you're serious about Crazy at any level, deep down, you'll not do anything with HouseGuest. If you're not, you will. It's not a question of what you think you should be doing, all that matters is what you actually do, whatever may motivate it. Simple. You won't let yourself do something you ultimately don't want. Making excuses afterwards (or beforehand) is the easy part.
  8. Good grief... And almost inevitably: etc. etc.
  9. I wouldn't bank on it... Every game will be like a cup final to those teams. Careful, we'll be told we have ideas above our station next.
  10. The Americans fucking are though. Happy Millwall Fan Day everybody!
  11. If she didn't bother to run her bad German jokes past a proofreader before publication, she's not someone I want to know.
  12. This one's well on course, I'd say. "NO..... MORE..... BOOM!!!" Precisely, my dear Fopson. (God it's depressing though.)
  13. What, like bankers, stock brokers and footballers? Good riddance. £150 K is a lot more than most professionals earn and don't forget you only pay the excess on money earned above this level. Danny B showing himself to be a good old Thatcher boy tbh. Like innovators, idea merchants, small company owners and sole traders. Nothing strangles an economic growth like over taxation. Of course Danny, all those people are going to up sticks and go exactly where? Funny how other economies with higher tax rates never seem to be affected by this so-called brain drain. That Scandinavia is a proper backward society, mind.
  14. Wey there's not much better to be had in the rest of Europe or America. They're welcome to try China and India if they fancy it.
  15. Don't worry, that wasn't meant to be a pre-flounce. I love this place in a gay way and you guys in a non-gay way ( ) so it'll take a lot more to get rid of me. The motivation is just somewhat lacking at the minute.
  16. Seriously though. This place is dogshit nowadays. Feel free to contribute something then, also nobody's forcing you to read it. Way to miss the point by a country mile. I read it not because I'm forced to, but because I hold out some hope that things might pick up again. And I don't contribute much lately because every thread turns into this, so what's the point in even bothering to contribute? I realise it's only the internetz, but it's still a crying shame.
  17. Seriously though. This place is dogshit nowadays.
  18. And in such an appropriate location for it too.
  19. Its all been noted. So what? Haven't you heard I am a shoe in to make admin? Cobblers.
  20. At least he'll have fulfilled his lifelong ambition of appearing in an advert for Premium Bonds.
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