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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    Rah rah rah! Go team!
  2. http://boredofbritain.blogspot.com/2009/06/why.html
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8137424.stm The article admits that every single economic indicator is worse than expected (largely because the people making the forecasts are utter retards), but the headline still proclaims "the worst is over". I love the BBC.
  4. Elvis Costello - Secret, Profane & Sugarcane Lovely jubbly.
  5. That's terrible mate, you just can't begin to grasp it when things happen out of the blue like that.
  6. Aye, if we were in Schengen I'd have less of an issue with ID cards. They do serve that purpose at least.
  7. I suspect FloJo and Kratochvilova will still hold their records in 2025 and 2020 respectively, but that's probably not quite what you're after. What a babe though. Certainly ticks all my boxes.
  8. I suspect FloJo and Kratochvilova will still hold their records in 2025 and 2020 respectively, but that's probably not quite what you're after.
  9. Meenzer


    Well, you're just Mr Happy funtimes aren't you?! I'm the forum equivalent of a spiked drink.
  10. Meenzer


    External drives are notoriously susceptible to giving up the ghost after the slightest jolt, in my experience anyway. I haven't a clue what you should be doing about it but I'd start assuming the worst so you're not unpleasantly surprised if it does all turn out to be unrecoverable.
  11. Meenzer


    Happy birthday big boy!
  12. http://www.myspace.com/justintownesearle
  13. I'm always slightly suspicious of any bloke who doesn't like footballers.
  14. Useless Scottish twat.
  15. Except the bedroom where they disrupt your sleep patterns IIRC Bloody things get shot of them!! Sleep patterns? I ditched mine yeeeears ago.
  17. Meenzer


    John Barrowman is a cunt of the highest order.
  18. I realise Gary Barlow's let himself go a bit, but that's harsh.
  19. Funniest thing you've posted yet.
  20. "Sexy Beast" followed by the first fifteen minutes of Bergman's "Winter Light". I was in a Travelodge.
  21. Aye. Her "A Hundred Miles Or More" compilation is a decent starting point and all.
  22. Friend of mine came back from a trip to Cuba with a bottle of the "second best rum in the world" - I forget the name. He built it up as something incredibly special. It wasn't. But then rum isn't really my drink, so I may be something of a Palestine in that regard.
  23. I live in a household that hears an awful lot of the Dixie Chicks, Patty Loveless, Reba McEntire, Gretchen Peters, Trisha Yearwood and so on, so if it's the girly end of the market you're after, I could recommend stuff all night. Two recent albums I'd definitely suggest you check out are "Rattlin' Bones" by Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson (even though they're Aussies - hey, who says it has to be authentic Nashville?) and "Coal" by Kathy Mattea, which - for all it's inspired by the hills of Kentucky - should strike a chord with anyone with Tyneside roots. I'll ask the better half for some more blokey recommendations at some point. Brad Paisley springs to mind, but don't quote me on that.
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