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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Radcliffe's an amateur. I hear Murray once took a piss and a runny dump in the tramlines on Centre Court then wiped his arse with an English flag.
  2. Honestly, you turn your back for the weekend and people start getting married. Congrats mate.
  3. Meenzer

    It must end!

    German hooker? Knowing St. Georg, probably Polish. Or Vietnamese. "Hast du eine angenehme Rohrlänge?"
  4. Actually, that might have only even been slightly funny if the telly wasnt telling me at the minute that everything advertised was 'perfect for fathers day.' Don't even start. Besides, if I got my dad most of that stuff he'd give me a good slap. Aye, I might buy mine the 'Best of the Faces' album that is currently 'Perfect for Fathers Day' and see what household item he uses to attack me with. Either that or The Very Best of Air Guitar MCMXCIX. Too right. If my old man was such a dullard that he liked bog-standard guitar music from 35 years ago but hadn't actually bothered to go out and buy any of it in the intervening three and a half decades, I'd probably attack him with a blunt instrument myself.
  5. Actually, that might have only even been slightly funny if the telly wasnt telling me at the minute that everything advertised was 'perfect for fathers day.' Don't even start. Besides, if I got my dad most of that stuff he'd give me a good slap.
  6. I hate it, I buy a present and a card for both parents, and then again as their birthdays are really close to mother's and father's days. Anyway, I got my pa a bar of soap that says arseface on it so far. Where from? I'd be quite tempted to break my "no father's/mother's day gifts" resolution for that.
  7. Seriously, you don't even need the subtitles. If she and her family were Geordies they'd be charva through and through.
  8. A card, same as ever.
  9. I'd kick his arse back to London and take the greatest of pleasure in doing so. Mind you, all I know about Popolo is that I went in there with my family about five years ago for tapas after we'd been to a pantomime at the Tyne Theatre, so I suspect I'm not part of their core clientele either way.
  10. I wouldn't worry if I were him, the Germans have been shirty about any kind of credit ever since the Weimar Republic.
  11. The pub scene is one of the things that'd help drag me back eventually. Hopefully not too many will go by the wayside in the meantime. Obviously there's some utter shite in the city centre but I've always liked the way there's a reasonably clear divide between the streets you want to avoid and those you don't.
  12. I'd like to know how pi relates to that image and what significance that would have in any case. Oh and Parky, the Universe is big, you just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. Good man.
  13. Parky mate, your local of choice is Max? Our paths must have crossed many times before our eventual pub quiz encounter then. Cracking place that introduced me to the Bauernfrühstück as a wet-behind-the-ears year abroad stoodent back in the hazy days of 1999. The Sunday breakfast buffet is a lazybones' delight too. And that Thai supermarket on the corner next to it isn't half bad either. OK, I'll stop now. Also: Eww.
  14. Meenzer


    I contemplated it but decided I didn't want to brisket.
  15. http://hayom.blogspot.com/2006/01/applianc...th-mode-to.html
  16. (pre-emptive reply to my post changing "gardening" to "uphill gardening")
  17. I fully expect to get the gardening bug sooner rather than later. Though it'll have to be bye-bye London before I do, obviously.
  18. Must admit I've never really got into that whole crossover thing. Prefer the real deal if anything.
  19. A face you'd never tire of punching.
  20. Deregulated the shit out of the system. Gave control over the base rate to the banks. Sold off all the gold reserves. Spent money like it was going out odf fashion. Repeated over 100 times in the house of commons "the end of boom and bust" ...but apart from that Don't forget "based the country's entire economic 'miracle' on an unsustainable house price increase Ponzi scheme"
  21. The F1 Rejects podcast is canny, if you're into that kind of thing and you can get past their nasal Aussie drawl.
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