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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    Just in time for the new season!
  2. Meenzer


    That's no way to talk about Mini-Midds.
  3. Everyone who posts on an internet messageboard is an incurable attention-seeker. And that wedding show is a bit cack, aye. Although getting married in a cave was a canny idea.
  4. Well when you all put it like that... I shall grow a pair forthwith.
  5. Aye, the surgery I go to is usually like that - I hadn't seen the same doctor twice until this case, they've just been booking me in to see the same person because she's the one who's been dealing with it. I'll make a point of asking to see someone else next time and doing it that way then.
  6. Aye, you're probably right. I just don't like creating a scene, unstereotypically enough.
  7. Have any of you lot ever asked for a second opinion from another GP at your practice (or at another practice altogether)? Without wishing to bore you with the details, I'm in the process of trying to work out why I've had what I've had - constant tightness and discomfort in my upper chest area, numb/tingly hands/arms/feet, bouts of faintness whenever I try to do anything strenuous (oi, hush ), and so on - for the last four or five weeks, and the doctor I've been seeing keeps attributing it to my asthma (which has been mild to nonexistent since I was a kid), booking me in to asthma clinics, telling me it's probably just a virus that'll go away, and so on. She might be right, but this doesn't feel like anything I've had before, my symptoms don't really match what she parrots back to me (I keep telling her my breathing's been fine; she keeps telling me the numbness is because I've been struggling to breathe - ?!), and there's basically just something about her way of doing things that feels outright dismissive - the problem being that now I end up going to see her already knowing fine well I won't accept what she says, whatever that may be. I know they say you can quite happily request a second opinion, but it strikes me as the kind of shit you don't want to be stirring unless it's absolutely necessary, particularly when it's your local surgery and you're probably going to end up being treated by the same doctor again in future. And I realise it's likely just my typical male paranoia/hypochondria kicking in here. On the other hand, I know having an X-ray done, say, would at least put my mind at rest a bit - but I realise you can't exactly bustle into an inner-city NHS surgery and demand the service elements you want. But aaaanyway. Any thoughts/experiences?
  8. Bit strange that someone so competitive was satisfied with playing second fiddle to Schumi for so many years, then. I guess even he knew he wasn't in the same league.
  9. Internet forum in lack of natural justice shocker
  10. The main problem with Rubens is that he's never been able to bridge that gap between a good - maybe very good - racing driver and someone who's truly world class. Not for the first time, he had the opportunity to put his foot down and really make an impression today, and he didn't. (OK, that'd have made the subsequent pit stop fuck-up even more galling, but still.) Just like Coulthard over the last few seasons, he's getting on a bit and can't accept that he's never quite going to make the grade. And now he's pretty much talked his way out of his current drive. Good work.
  11. And batter scraps from the local chippy, and no greenery at all.
  12. Meenzer


    Rah rah rah! Go team!
  13. http://boredofbritain.blogspot.com/2009/06/why.html
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8137424.stm The article admits that every single economic indicator is worse than expected (largely because the people making the forecasts are utter retards), but the headline still proclaims "the worst is over". I love the BBC.
  15. Elvis Costello - Secret, Profane & Sugarcane Lovely jubbly.
  16. That's terrible mate, you just can't begin to grasp it when things happen out of the blue like that.
  17. Aye, if we were in Schengen I'd have less of an issue with ID cards. They do serve that purpose at least.
  18. I suspect FloJo and Kratochvilova will still hold their records in 2025 and 2020 respectively, but that's probably not quite what you're after. What a babe though. Certainly ticks all my boxes.
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