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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Am I really the only person who doesn't give a shit about "justice" when it comes to international football? If the "best" team won every time, Brazil would have a World Cup count in the double figures (and England wouldn't have any). Part of the appeal of the World Cup is that it's not like a 38-game league season - ridiculous things happen, improbable things happen, unpredictable things happen and it's all the better for it.
  2. We do stay in the moment for at least a few seconds, you know. Unless you like to gargle with it for half an hour before gulping.
  3. 1. Illegal Muslim refugees from Poland cumming on my lass's face while claiming benefits 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. Profit
  4. you seem to suggest it's impossible to have a varied sex life and an emotionally invested relationship? Blatantly like your lass to shit on a glass table while you lie under it. Who doesnt? Only Fish's lass I suppose. Depends who is offering to clean the table like. He's invited me round to watch the match tonight. Should I be concerned?
  5. As for the original topic, is it really that different to expecting a lass to swallow rather than spit?
  6. All over your face? I was going to say all over his tits, but me and Meenzer defo on the same wavelength. Other than picking out flowers for Noelie's funeral obviously. I'll have you know I had nothing to say on the matter! Talk about putting words into my mouth. Then again, considering what you could put into my mouth under inspiration from this thread, I shall curb my indignation. (All over your face.)
  7. If you're asking whether it exists at all, it does. "Regular occurrence" is a different matter.
  8. I'll raise a whisky to that. One of the best by one of the best.
  9. http://www.freakingnews.com/Celebrities-Up...tures--2433.asp
  10. Meenzer


    Indeed. The "Oasis = Steps" comparison holds water.
  11. Keane used that argument. But theres a difference. Ireland werent asking for a penalty, they werent cheating, the ref just made a total fuck up If he knew there was nothing wrong, he should still have owned up.
  12. Whereas nobody would ever be pissed off by British-born Algerians celebrating the latter's qualification in Trafalgar Square. Oh wait...
  13. I'd love the Georgian government to wade in with a sly call for a replay because of this particular travesty.
  14. Meenzer


    Well yeah, they've always been to proper music what Steps were to pop. But at least Steps knew when to quit.
  15. Meenzer


    Let's all boogie to the sound of talentless blokey dirge!
  16. On it's daughter! Touché. (In a naughty place.)
  17. As if any of the cases that article cites were in any way as important as extra-time in a decisive World Cup qualifier. Once he'd handled the ball (whether you believe it was instinctive, deliberate or a bit of both), there was no way he could win - own up or not, he gets crucified either way.
  18. Aye, sorry, I should have mentioned I knew that already (it's a fascinating read, mind). It was just interesting to see first-hand just quite how passionate they were about it, even in London, compared with how comparatively calm they'll be when they go out with a whimper in the group stages (proabably).
  19. Meenzer


    Back in the day, my teenage posse went through a brief phase of alternating Mayfair nights with trips to the Jazz Cafe - still decked out in full metal regalia, natch, because that's subversive. I have no idea what we were fucking doing.
  20. Trafalgar Square was absolutely packed with Algerians tonight, fireworks, blaring trumpets and all. You get the impression beating Egypt is far more important to them than what actually happens at the World Cup...
  21. So resembling a drowned rat is a better look? That's a heterosexual drowned rat though. The only thing gayer than an umbrella that a bloke can carry/use is a man bag. I'm going to have to put bumming other men up there. I bet you are. If you carry a man around with you for use in bumming emergencies, I'd have to agree.
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