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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Maybe it's an accent thing and he was actually saying "impotent".
  2. "Put your facking mouth... shut" is my personal highlight
  3. Turned out all right considering. Albeit with a "slight" tailwind to keep things interesting up on the crags
  4. I can cope with that. Thursday, I've got my eye on you...
  5. Heading up to Newcastle tomorrow for the rest of the week. I was hoping the weather might lend itself to a bit of a stomp around Hadrian's Wall at some point, but...
  6. Liverpool fans getting irate about time-wasting again. Spreadsheets and second-by-second breakdowns incoming.
  7. It was, of course, what Craig said. For five years, no less https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/former-northern-ireland-footballer-who-lived-in-guam-hopes-for-a-peaceful-solution-to-crisis-36020264.html Though it's no wonder they're not much of a force on the world football scene if this is their squad...
  8. Guam trivia quiz: They were once managed by which NUFC alumnus?
  9. Obviously the concept of a uniform national swing is nonsense, but this is too delicious not to post
  10. I like Rayner even though she's a bit of a plonker, but I especially like how much she's enjoying this.
  11. "The markets are certain we're going to lose the next election" isn't quite the own they think it is...
  12. Meenzer


    Fast-forward to CT taking inspiration from this. "Couldn't find seaweed sheets, used tin foil instead"
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