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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Listened to the first 10-15 minutes of the first episode of that on the way home last night. Does it get better?
  2. Was thinking the same thing. Not quite a golden generation... I wouldn't not, either. Very worrying. Meanwhile: The state of Cannigia The state of pretty much all of Austria The aforementioned Kasey Keller as a young 'un Maradona when he weighed 70kg How many of the USSR's best players were Ukrainian How the Yugoslav squad had people from all six member states. Still breathtaking how quickly things deteriorated after that The shoddy sticker treatment of "inferior" teams like - oops - Cameroon Brazil still getting their poncey stage names when everyone knew Taffarel was called Claudio anyway Having about 10 swapsies of Willie bloody Miller The Swedish hair The number of Irish players born in (ENG) or (SCO) Come to think of it, Paul Parker being born in the town of "Essex" Fuck's sake. I was meant to be in bed hours ago.
  3. Nae bother, Rob will pilot them into the ground next week.
  4. Property speculators are what helped make the economy go boom-then-bust (and, indirectly, this election so meaningless). I propose a lifetime ban.
  5. That being the state in which you apparently make all of your posts on here. I thought you'd approve.
  6. Ended up just getting a bottle of Glenfiddich 12, since it's for fairly rapid quaffing. The whisky equivalent of Becks I suppose, but some of my best nights have involved mass Becks consumption. Admittedly at a series of dodgy off-Reeperbahn bars in Hamburg rather than a council flat in Knutsford, but hey, horses for courses.
  7. http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/can...graphy-spy-lens
  8. People who walk slowly, take up the entire pavement and - this is the important part - don't realise it might be annoying to others. Which we can expand to "people with absolutely no self-awareness" in general. Also people who use a trolley at Tesco Express. You have clearly missed the point.
  9. Aye, the Football Weekly podcasts are good, their European articles (Sid Lowe, Raphael Honigstein etc.) are cracking as are Jonathan Wilson's essays on tactics and the like. Which makes their domestic coverage look even shoddier than it already is.
  10. It's likely to be gone by the time the weekend is out, anyway, so something in the region of the Macallan sounds like a plan.
  11. Ooh, smashing. There's a branch at Canary Wharf that I occasionally zip past, so will definitely check that out.
  12. That reminds me, where are you watching the match on Monday? D'you mean Tuesday? If so, in Reading. No plans for the Plymouth game yet if that's what you mean.
  13. Train tickets for a glamorous trip from Lewisham to Knutsford next weekend. Now I just need to find a nice bottle of whisky to take with me. Anyone know if any of the big soopamarkets/off-licences have any decent offers on at the minute?
  14. People who say "get help" just because you disagree with them on something.
  15. Meenzer

    Board Alliances

    Ah yes, I'd forgotten about "Radgina / Brock's dreamy eyes".
  16. Meenzer

    Board Alliances

    Steve hasn't been around here half as much since he realised he wasn't going to become allied with my willy any time soon.
  17. Howay Meenz - post the link. I need a good chuckle VoilĂ 
  18. She's getting absolutely maimed in the comments. Even more so than usual.
  19. And Labour's entire campaign hinges on a smoke-and-mirrors act aimed at distracting people from the extent to which Brown exposed us to the worst of that collapse by inextricably tying our economy to the twin pillars of minimal financial regulation and the expectation of infinite growth in an unsustainable house price pyramid scheme. Trouble is, I have no confidence that the other lot would have done things any differently... You talk like late capitalism actually has any choices, it doesn't...Any old gravy train will do. It may not have black-and-white choices, but it certainly has shades of sludgy grey.
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