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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Don't tell me you looked at the pic above and your first reaction was "That's quite a Range Rover".
  2. http://www.journallive.co.uk/north-east-ne...61634-25576839/ (I do mean the councillor here, not Raoooooooooooul.)
  3. He's the fella who would be an MP now if he hadn't posted disparaging comments about female politicians on an internet forum. Something I think we can all relate to.
  4. Aye - it's a bastard when you reply before reading the whole thread Sorry, couldn't resist.
  5. Uncanny. It's almost like Isegrim mentioned it in his reply or something.
  6. I really have no idea? They clearly fucked up. what should i do? Disappear up your own arse. Dude, i'm seriously confused What the fuck like?? 1:Put your head between Meenzer's legs 2: Put your nose in Meenzer's arsehole 3: push..... FYP. Anyway, probably just regular working hours, Kevvy! boy. Give them a call at 9 tomorrow. I realise that might mean not staying up till 5am in a vodka-and-wanking-induced stupor, but you can manage it for the carrot that is £80.
  7. Put some white stripes on that and it's the perfect home kit. Voilà!
  8. Take the pubeless cunt's oil You want to oil up Justin Bieber while he's still pubeless?
  9. Careful now, Kevin probably fancies him too.
  10. I know it's been a few years now, but you do realise this is a messageboard and not an other-people's-messageboard, right?
  11. Rob could meet A NICE HAT for a pint and come back whinging that the hat was "ADEQUATE AT BEST"
  12. Aye, he gets a lot of "pigboy" taunts from the gay-and-might-as-well-be brigade (you'd be shocked, sistah), but he comes across as a genuinely humble and decent fella as far as I'm concerned...
  13. also questions their attitude to his authority And proves that English players deserve to lose by default
  15. 'salreet, I don't carry green and I wouldn't want to lose my post count.
  16. I'm amazed it's taken you several days to respond to that. You're losing your touch.
  17. Might sound daft, but the one thing I'm fairly confident of under the current regime is our ability to shape a youngish player into a reasonably competent exponent of whichever position we need him to play in. I know it's hardly the pre-season clarion call we might be hoping for, but you've got to play to your strengths, however nebulous they may be.
  18. It's easy to step up a gear when the team you're playing decides to self-destruct under the slightest hint of pressure. As a football romantic, I obviously love the idea of the Netherlands winning the thing, but if they manage to do so without stepping things up from the level they've reached so far then they'll be remembered in the same vein as the Greek team in 2004 - a bunch of unreconstituted cloggers.
  19. Fudge? Only if you're buying the next round.
  20. Had some lovely tablet at a wedding this weekend. Family recipe apparently.
  21. i don't get why americans don't like nice lager. i just got back from vegas, it's light beer all the way out there. I don't think their taste in lager is any worse than most British people's like, do you? Even Bud Light is nicer than Carling. Aye. They have lovely stuff such as Leffe and Old Rasputin too. As for British taste, I don't know, has it not improved like? You still see piss like Fosters all over the place, but - and maybe it's just my exposure to wanky Lahndahn types talking here - I get the impression we've at least evolved to a point where something like Kronenbourg or Stella is more the standard pint. I realise it's not the same as hops lovingly cultivated by trappist monks, but still, compared with Bud/Miller/Corona Light...
  22. Time to cull some of the pupils.
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