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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. A lot of the antagonism won't make sense without investigating the whole series 2 of "As It Occurs To Me", but that's a lot of effort.
  2. It's good, but it's not the Sun: (At least I assume it's meant to be biting satire...)
  3. If you could post some of the great pictures, that'd be... great.
  4. Conclusive proof that Rob spent the decade getting bummed off trolley dollies in Dubai. Quite remarkable.
  5. Champix totally sounds like it should be a brand of dog food.
  6. Oh don't get me wrong, it's funny. It's only of concern if you care about your future entertainment or, more pertinently, have just shelled out 2x£15 to see two middle-aged blokes sit on stage for an hour and talk at each other.
  7. I can only be bothered with their 6 music show and they seem OK on there. Are the cracks starting to show on their other podcast? There's certainly a bit of tension in said podcast, various tweets/blog posts etc. It's being played as "light-hearted", but it's not massively convincing...
  8. A surprising yet curiously underwhelming 12th.
  9. Tickets for http://www.roh.org.uk/whatson/production.aspx?pid=14413 and http://www.thebloomsbury.com/event/run/1468, though I'm starting to wonder if the latter will still be on speaking terms by then.
  10. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/185617...m-if-you-re-gay
  11. Just like many of his jokes, I'm sure this thread crops up every year or so. Happy birthday mate.
  12. Meenzer


    Have fun mate. Don't do anyone I wouldn't.
  13. Meenzer


    That's Matt's alter ego. Comes home steaming drunk and starts talking in "Ah so, me love you long time"-speak and hurling racial epithets around. It's not pretty.
  14. You really fucked it up this time.
  15. I knoooow. Eurovision forum pissup. There's not even going to be any 5-a-side or anything (well, not football, at least).
  16. Lanzarote's never bad really, especially if you're after something a bit quieter (well, most of the time anyway). Whereabouts are you staying? Having your main holiday for the year before the summer even starts is a right downer. Just booked a weekend break to bloody Utrecht in bloody November. Romantic or what.
  17. Meenzer


    Happy birthday sir. I'd get you a pressie but you've already been blessed with getting rid of the Fish as a housemate this week.
  18. Meenzer


    Been funny recently. "Hei the Queen's ganna disserlve Parlimint but hauze she ganna dee tha man pet? Leik it's not made oota sugah aw owt. Bonkaz!" "Ah've been studyin Yerga so Ah'm ganna dee the occasional deep tweet leek Yerker Erner dees. Stan by a one's comin up noo." "Let yor serls gan chasin rainbers thru the valleys uv yor innah consciousness; be at one wi the skei an embrace feelin mint." "Hei, Ah cudda telt Fabieau aboot Robat Green. He waz aara England BBQ once an he dropped three borgaz an a glass a kerk." I'm a little surprised the creator of CherylKerl hasn't come up with a RaoolMert account yet...
  19. Dirty cunt could have got about six yellow cards tonight mind.
  20. voted for by viewers so thats not entierly fair on 'itv' to give CT his credit he picked out boularouz Aye, I know, I wasn't blaming ITV per se. Although I suppose it's their fault for giving "the people" their say.
  21. ITV man of the match = a high-profile attacking player, just for a change.
  22. Africa = 1 billion people, Uruguay = 3 million people. Still, we're all African now. We dont give £60bn in aid to Uruguay every year though do we. If you consider there is a relationship between the world cup and the economy, then the idea is the better Africa do, the more likely that relationship will exist. I hate the patronising commentary, when you dont live in Britain its even more cringeworthy but i do very much 'get' the 'it would be great if Africa do well attitude' on the basis that its the poorest place on earth. Aye, I do get it really. Just wish they'd give it a rest considering the dream is over and all the African teams bar Ghana were gash anyway.
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