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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Assuming the 80 tracks in question are spread across various directories on his hard drive, I don't see why the iTunes route is any more (or less) complicated than anything else. And if they're in the same directory then dragging them to a playlist is a doddle. Not for the first or the last time in this thread, I'm confused.
  2. can you uninstall WMP from a windows installation ????? Try: Start > Control panel > add or remove programs and get rid of anything to do with WMP. If it doesn't show up there, clicking "Show updates" at the top might do it. Add/Remove Windows Components on the left-hand side might do it too.
  3. Meenzer

    Joe Cole

    I'm sure it was Burtree too. Typically, you can even find a Google hit for the North Eastern Co-Op "Fresh! That's how you like it, fresh! That's how we bring it to you" advert, but nothing for this bugger.
  4. All I know is they keep advertising it on Spotify. KIDS GO FREE!
  5. well the first bit's certainly true It is. I don't like being the forum clown. It feels like i have to much to live up to. Sometimes I wish I was another normal poster, but I'm not! I'm Kevin!, Kevin! has to live up to expectations, and Kevin! will. Are we sure Kevin isn't a Fop construct? he's starting to refer to himself in the third person. Nah. Bigger cock, for a start - all of four inches compared with Fop's roid-addled tiddler.
  6. Fulham (a) if not sooner, chaps. Closest thing to a decent away day in Lahndan.
  7. Dull as fuck, as always with the Mercury. No good reason it shouldn't be Mumford.
  8. Exactly, when I first joined this site the so called problem poster was FOP but in all honestly he was a saint compared to these retards, and at least he was something of an oddity, this is just downright stupidity. Oh, I don't know. Fop fucked the place up too, just in a different way. A repressed Raoul Moat-style angry steroid fuck rather than the Kleenex-littered ten times a day teenage wank variant we're seeing at the minute, but a thorough waste of spunk either way. No offence. You're a twat, but you'll always be my twat.
  9. Exactly, when I first joined this site the so called problem poster was FOP but in all honestly he was a saint compared to these retards, and at least he was something of an oddity, this is just downright stupidity. Oh, I don't know. Fop fucked the place up too, just in a different way. A repressed Raoul Moat-style angry steroid fuck rather than the Kleenex-littered ten times a day teenage wank variant we're seeing at the minute, but a thorough waste of spunk either way.
  10. Just stumbled across this and thought it might be of interest: http://www.bfi.org.uk/features/interviews/...ting-image.html Shame the media landscape is so fragmented that something like this could never have the same impact these days. I'd love to see what they made of Cleggeron, Jawless Brown et al.
  11. I don't think there's a film musical I like (EDIT: Other than South Park). Gloomy-as-sin stage stuff like Les Mis is a different matter though. You've got to love a bunch of suicidal Frenchmen.
  12. The point you make is so obviously right that it's barely worth making. Which is probably exactly what they're counting on.
  13. I reacquainted myself with John Smiths the other week after a friend left a few cans in the fridge after a Singstar evening . Fucking hell man. Completely tasteless and weak as piss - why would you? Like you though, I'd still order it over Carling...
  14. Well I for one didn't expect the thread to end up going down this road.
  15. FYP. Also Anyway, Kev, I swear it wasn't me. Those webcam stills will remain our little secret. I don't believe you. Those pictures were made for you, and you alone You'll never see me on webcam again I'll treasure the memories. And the JPEGs.
  16. FYP. Also Anyway, Kev, I swear it wasn't me. Those webcam stills will remain our little secret.
  17. Meenzer


    I love Clios too, but I wouldn't expect to be able to impress Jordan in one. Or fit her in one, for that matter.
  18. I could go straight for Victoria Coren. As long as we didn't have to have sex or anything. She'd be the poifect wife though.
  19. Meenzer


    Fucking hell Then again, I had parental bankrolling on the condition that I'd be at their beck and call to pick them up after getting sloshed on sloe gin somewhere in Tyneside most nights of the week, so that might help to explain it.
  20. Meenzer


    For what it's worth, I took things really slowly, did about 35 lessons over nine months or so, and passed first time. Would have been cheaper to take 10 lessons each test and still fail two of them, but hey.
  21. Meenzer


    Best thing was to get on your mam or Dads policy, then trade your no claims over with you when you pass 24 (I think) as that's when the cost drops dramatically. Aye, I'd have done the same if I hadn't gone to university and seen them flog the aforementioned Clio while I was away during first term. Still bitter.
  22. Meenzer


    Aye, nowt much you can do about insurance when you're a "young driver" unfortunately, short of grin and bear it and hope you don't get in any prangs in the meantime.
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