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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. A new laptop/netbook, by the looks of it, since the hard drive on my current one decided to implode last night.
  2. It's fucked my bets for the night, but ROFLHAM LOLSPURZ all the same.
  3. I do hope you're recording it for subsequent DVD release.
  4. As a Sigur Rós fan, I'm enjoying this new contribution to the genre: http://bit.ly/cBhi9k
  5. I'd be amazed if they didn't appeal, but I'd be even more amazed if it got rescinded. C'est la vie, la.
  6. Yeah, that's basically what I was saying, although it's impossible to ever know what "intent" there was behind any challenge really. But you've got to be aware that refs will see things a certain way. Not the easiest thing to control in the heat of the moment and when you're trying to impress on your debut (for all I hate to borrow a MOTD argument), but still, he's old enough to know a bit better.
  7. Still disappointed Harewood's doesn't say "GOOMBA".
  8. Didn't help that he launched into it on the back of a 10-yard sprint and lunge. I'm not saying that makes it more of a foul, but it makes the ref so much more likely to give it.
  9. It's automatic based on your post count (unless it's been defaced like mine). I'd recommend posting more, but...
  10. Jet Boy Intriguing lo-fi Canadian movie from the early 2000s that starts with a kid being forced to sell his body to fund his junkie mother's habit and develops into an improbable yet quite lovely road/buddy movie. Suffers a little from Cardboard Character and Cutesy Plot Twist syndromes at various points, but the lead performances more than keep it going. Broadly unavailable, unfortunately, unless you're willing to pay for an eBay knock-off or just download it illegally.
  11. My record in the betting thread may be patchy, whether slavishly following Wally's advice or ploughing my own paths of doom, but I would have happily staked my life savings on you posting an Eminem song as your first contribution to this thread. That is all.
  12. Started reading this and was sure it was going to continue "forum".
  13. I found one here easily enough, but from what I've heard that was a lucky break, aye.
  14. i don't know whats more embarassing, you being on the Eurovision forum or that users misinformed opinion I do, it's the former.
  15. Escher walks into a bar, and the barman says "Escher walks into a bar, and the barman says "Escher walks into a bar, and the barman says "Escher walks into a bar, and the barman says "Escher walks into a bar, and....
  16. I'm trusting you on this, Stevie. It'll be gruel for tea the rest of the week if this one doesn't come off. I hope you're prepared for the guilt. Don't fret, you'll shopping at Waitrose rather than Lidl this week. I knew you'd see me right, you lovely, stubbly thing, you.
  17. Saw the title and assumed it was going to be about "Rob": http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Strange-N...ency_Exit_Slide
  18. More people attend Brighton Pride than either of those, though, so poofs are officially better than you.
  19. Stevie is here, if you can't find him: http://twitter.com/Leazeslad Also, limp-wristed Guardian plugs aside, I'd well recommend following When Saturday Comes. Some of the best football writing off the beaten track. http://twitter.com/WSC_magazine
  20. Why didn't you do that in the first place? Because you weren't clear on what you were after. A monkey would've understood what I was on about. Anyway I've just created a twitter account, how do I find people? Add me, "Leazeslad". I have caressed your cyber-package with my sultry finger of following. As for finding people from off of here, fuck knows. I have a few of them (and other interesting football-related stuff, if you include Guardian correspondents) in my "following" list, anyway.
  21. It's an odd one really, like it is whenever anyone you like does something you consider to be wildly out of character. I still feel inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, but going to Man City of all teams then being surprised when they find a younger, sexier model to replace you is naivete of the highest order.
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