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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Just behind reserve defender Steve Irwin and his legendary attempt to keep it tight at the back:
  2. Somewhere along the way you must've been the cause of my new-found fondness of cammomile tea. You call it that now, but I believe "granddad's piss" was your previous description of choice. And deviant though my preferences may be, they've never stretched quite that far.
  3. That's no way to speak to someone who spent years trying to groom you.
  4. To be fair, half of them are me trying to groom him.
  5. I don't know whether to be happy that they've lost a load of cash or sad that it's all gone to ITV viewers.
  6. she's OK. How's your husband That's "civil partner". The church gets terribly irate about such things.
  7. at least half the middle east Expensive date that. Doubt it, they grow them over there.
  8. That really is a problem. Everyone knows eyeballs go with cream of tomato.
  9. You can't say that on here man, the sitters and the standers will go all jihad on each other's shitty arses!
  10. Bastid. Had a Shakhtar, Real, Chelsea, Bayern, Arsenal and Milan combo all lined up, would have been 6/1 or so, then chickened out and went for trebles instead. Still not too bad a night's work...
  11. The other week a lass in the Tesco's near me ended an argument with a friend - successfully - by pulling a sour face and shrieking "Is it?". They like to think they're middle-class around here, but...
  12. Could come from an unexpected source, too: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13...e-mortgage.html
  13. Watch the video youtube soft shite "Soft shite" is right for that video. Nowt happened.
  14. This is where the "rock and a hard place" logic kicks in though - whatever the electoral mechanics of the situation may have allowed, the Lib Dems would have been just have fucked if they (and the necessary others) had propped up a Brown government for x years. And they could hardly say "we'll support a minority coalition government with Labour as long as the PM isn't Brown" as 97% of the voting public would cry foul because they think they're voting on Brown/Cameron/Clegg etc. and not their local MP.
  15. Fits the George Osborne model of government by undeveloped foetus, I suppose.
  16. Rock and a hard place, I suppose - show any kind of reluctance to cooperate (even at the level of "we'll back your evil ploys, but would you please stop making Danny Alexander read them out to camera?") and you can be sure the Tory press would immediately spin it into "LIB DEMS HATE BRITAIN AND WANT YOUR GOVERNMENT TO FAIL". That said, I suspect you're right about their electoral prospects. And on a local level, Labour have every chance of getting back control of Newcastle council next time too.
  17. "Broken Britain" is such a joke of a phrase. The kind of patronising guff that could only escape the lips of Tories and/or Little Englanders who've never actually met anyone lower-class or been in any kind of peril. On a related note, it's been posted before and it'll be posted again, but this is still fantastic: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...-drunkards.html Still, the olden days were better...
  18. Yes. Holy Grail and Life of Brian. Meaning of Life is canny though, it suffers by comparison but it's got some cracking moments. Drags a bit though.
  19. My full driving license still has a photo of a 14 year old on it. I keep photos of 14-year-olds in my wallet too. Good man.
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