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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. It's what Stevie does for a bite, isn't it? Veer as close to blatent racism as he can get away with without getting an outright ban. In the last few weeks we've had this, his comment whether a negligent doctor was 'English' or not, his remark that all he could see in a nightclub was his black mate's teeth, and of course the hilarious claim the other day that he is one of the least racist people on here. Then of course we had his comments a few months back about Raoul Moat's girl friend being a disgusting slag. Oh aye, and his constant abuse at anyone who disagree with him about virtually anything. You forgot the Jews. Racist.
  2. FYP. Nah, not really. West Brom and Wolves at least have some kind of history of success, whereas Mainz were never even in the top flight until 2004. Wigan is a closer match than Stoke even.
  3. Mainz are top of the Bundesliga. Five wins in five games. Basically the equivalent of Wigan or Stoke doing the same. Canny.
  4. Meenzer


    Of all the criticisms I might level at last.fm - dubious recommendations, ill-advised "corrections" to song/artist names - I've never noticed it have any kind of tangible impact on CPU speed. Granted, I'm running a very five years ago kind of setup, but still.
  5. Some kind of religious tax comes out of your pay here, Meenz or Ise will know more. Only if you say you're religious. If you don't - no tax. Seems like a reasonable enough way of getting funds from the true believers, at least it's more honest than sheer guilt.
  6. An account that doesn't even feature a picture of you? Hardly credible is it, probably daddys censorship rules. there is pictures of me on it... wait, how would you even know My inner stalker is happy to confirm that, while pictures of Kevin weren't available to me previously, they are now. I'll return to the forum as soon as my wrists have recovered from the shock trauma.
  7. I never really got beyond the Amstrad PCW 8256 when it comes to word processing, tbh.
  8. Aye, I have to use the Office suite () for work but I've gone back to 2003 because 2007/2010 are too "clever" for something that's supposed to be simple and functional.
  9. Meenzer


    Likewise. Though I use it more for ego-tripping on my own listening stats than finding new music.
  10. And is it terrorism if it's not terrorism? Depends which paper you read... http://tabloid-watch.blogspot.com/2010/09/...uslim-plot.html
  11. These madmen, including a friend of mine, are doing it at the end of a Manchester-Newcastle run. http://takethelongroad.co.uk/
  12. What if you're the next generation down from that?
  13. Ed M is the logical choice but I can't watch him without being reminded of Wallace and Gromit.
  14. Threatening. How is it threatening? I've never ever ever felt threatened once ever in my life in Newcastle, and I mean that ever. Do yous live in some fuckin paralell universe or something? Maybe I do. I'm happy for you, anyway. Maybe certain people are more upset about people around them than others due to their effeminate natures. Seems a bit out of character given how much you love the gays when they help you make a point about London being great.
  15. Threatening. How is it threatening? I've never ever ever felt threatened once ever in my life in Newcastle, and I mean that ever. Do yous live in some fuckin paralell universe or something? Maybe I do. I'm happy for you, anyway.
  16. Renton's spot on insofar as the city centre can be a properly threatening place at times. But I suppose the point is you go to the places that suit you and ignore the rest, same as anywhere else.
  17. Aye last minute volley in the corner. He scored one or two for Liverpool it always struck me how little the other players wanted to celebrate with him especially Gerrard, was like you're shit you shouldn't be on here you lucky cunt. PMSL yet again, you just don't give up making things up do you? That fucking opera soundtrack. You should be ashamed.
  18. It is amazing like and it's only for a relatively short period of time too I think (in Cosmic terms) because the Moon's gradually moving away from the Earth. It's also worth mentioning that the Moon has been important to the development of life on Earth because, due to its size and proximity to Earth, (I think anyway) it's allowed the Earth maintain a very steady orbit around the Sun thus not subjecting the planet to extremes in temperature. Also, I think I read / heard a theory that the Earth and Moon were formed after the collision of two other planetary bodies. Isn't it possible that we're finding these coincidences and attributing more value to them, simply because we like for there to be reason and order to the nature of things? It's like the people who try to "decode" the Bible and find that if you take every 173rd letter, the sentence reads "People who stand to wipe are basically inviting carnage"? All I'm saying is that it's amazing. Hard to argue with that. I'm not really of the opinion there is any great cosmic truth to the Universe or whatever or that this is proof of it. You'll always get people who'll think x,y or z is down to God or whatever though. It has made me think I should try and see a total eclipse before I kick the bucket however. Bound to be cloudy if I do make the effort like. *inserts obvious comment about smoking things that shouldn't be smoked etc.* *Inserts obvious question about euphemisms* *inserts himself into Kevin* Must all threads end this way?
  19. It is amazing like and it's only for a relatively short period of time too I think (in Cosmic terms) because the Moon's gradually moving away from the Earth. It's also worth mentioning that the Moon has been important to the development of life on Earth because, due to its size and proximity to Earth, (I think anyway) it's allowed the Earth maintain a very steady orbit around the Sun thus not subjecting the planet to extremes in temperature. Also, I think I read / heard a theory that the Earth and Moon were formed after the collision of two other planetary bodies. Isn't it possible that we're finding these coincidences and attributing more value to them, simply because we like for there to be reason and order to the nature of things? It's like the people who try to "decode" the Bible and find that if you take every 173rd letter, the sentence reads "People who stand to wipe are basically inviting carnage"? All I'm saying is that it's amazing. Hard to argue with that. I'm not really of the opinion there is any great cosmic truth to the Universe or whatever or that this is proof of it. You'll always get people who'll think x,y or z is down to God or whatever though. It has made me think I should try and see a total eclipse before I kick the bucket however. Bound to be cloudy if I do make the effort like. *inserts obvious comment about smoking things that shouldn't be smoked etc.*
  20. Aye, you know that bit in religionity where God knows all? Probably covers that tbh.
  21. I'm not sure what's more worrying tbh, the fact that a prominent member of a "western" religion could make such comments or the fact that an awful lot of people in this country would agree with him.
  22. I might have liked Aintree but it was full of housing estates.
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