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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I don't want his bottom, if that helps at all. What's yours ?
  2. Nowt personal mate, but why are you so worried about it ? who said I'm worried ? You clearly are, otherwise you wouldn't immediately add:
  3. Nowt personal mate, but why are you so worried about it ?
  4. Says the man with 11241 posts. And just imagine how much higher your post count would be if you didn't flounce off to the "pub" whenever you start losing an argument.
  5. no response to him then Eh? I'm saying that's exactly what I did for years. Assuming I've understood what he's saying correctly, obviously.
  6. Many thanks, folks and folkettes! Already did the partaying at the weekend, so an evening of takeaway, Tesco wine, footy and The Apprentice beckons. Living it up.
  7. This isn't vague enough for me. Could you add some hyperbole and dissimulation?
  8. Most people block him, you name your kid after him.
  9. oh... ok Hanging out with little Bo Peep from all reports Craig is Shackbleep?! ewe might say that but I couldn't possibly comment. Baa humbug.
  10. There's a bratwurst/currywurst place recently opened near Charing Cross station called "Herman ze German", tagline "Our wurst is ze best". We have officially lost.
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13...-Mean-Time.html
  12. It was. Common knowledge for years now, so it says a lot that she's still considered a "celeb".
  13. TBF I have dabbled for years and use the results all the time - also spend far too much of my time working on Monte Carlo risk distributions TBH Fond of TBH distributions, too.
  14. The quality of that clip man. Is it filmed off someone's webcam?
  15. Never actively watched the thing in all these years, but it's a good insight into just how deluded some celebs can be. People who are disliked and know they're disliked, I can get on with, but people who simply don't realise how hated they are and willingly sign up for this kind of show? That way comedy lies.
  16. Invariably resulting in ............
  17. Regardless of who did what, this'll be three pages about the night it happened and 400 pages about the incompetence of the Portuguese police.
  18. Can't say owt else that hasn't been said (other than adding apologies for tardiness), but it's smashing to have you back.
  19. Same applies just as much to Labour or Tory candidates in unwinnable seats, though - there are just far fewer of them than there are for the Lib Dems. Still agree with the long-term outlook though - until and unless we get used to consensus politics and the idea that this kind of "betrayal" is what happens in pretty much every other European country, including the ones far better off than we are, there'll always be a 20-year pattern of the third party gradually battling its way towards potential relevance then having the same thing happen to them and ending up back at the 8% mark again.
  20. Surely a "Wanker of the Week" award would be sufficient?
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