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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. So it's the fault of reality music shows that people aren't into classic pop/rock any more... that'll be the reality music shows that have "Elton John week" and the like every bloody series?
  2. The outside broadcasts from there tonight, fucking hell man, pack of absolute tramps and the number of times they squawked "Liverpooooool" I thought I was watching this by mistake.
  3. It's a fair question. I reckon I still would have gone, but I don't really know if the cost/benefit factor would be sufficient compared with what I'd have got from simply moving to Germany after high school and picking up the nuances of the language that way, even if that involved pulling pints for four years rather than studying the language in-depth. Probably all depends on my first employer really - they took me on without any translation experience because I had a strong modern languages degree, but would they have been willing to expand that to "speaks the language very well but has no post-high school qualifications in it"? I suspect not, but you never know.
  4. Meenzer

    Taxi Drivers

    Got one in Riga who, after we told him where we wanted to go, turned to us and earnestly asked "What is hotel?".
  5. Phil Hughes or Shaun Marsh. Neither stands out over the other though tbh. You should split the difference and stick Sean Hughes in there.
  6. And he had nowt to do with the decision anyway. Apparently.
  7. Aye, I'm well under the weather too. Adopting the whisky cure for now.
  8. PM. Tried that number but some bloke called "Stevie" answered?
  9. Netto. It's Scandinavian for "value".
  10. Sounds good. Leazes in particular will be delighted to get shot of Ashley.
  11. OK. Can I have your mate's number from your Facebook profile pic?
  12. So's me mam. What you saying like? Whey that explains a lot n'aal
  13. They seem to be gradually replacing her with Andi Osho now. Same thing but with marginally more laughs (i.e. some in the first place) and marginally fewer "Nigerian mother" references.
  14. You're basically not wrong, but christ, the last thing I'd call the corrupt FIFA executives is "politically correct"
  15. Experienced though, that counts for something.
  16. Likewise, though only to the tune of a fiver. Speaking of the cup - Leyton Orient 8-2 Droylsden. After extra time.
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