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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. "For plantain chips? I'd climb a mountain!"
  2. And speaking of the cock...
  3. Ah Littlejohn, barely capable of writing a column with some reference to the cock.
  4. It's Collings and Herrin with a budget, innit? No, in all seriousness, I've enjoyed it. But then I tend to like anything on TV that downplays the fact it's made for TV.
  5. The snow has just hit England!
  6. Nice accompaniment to the browneye Man U made glow bright red at the weekend.
  7. I was going to make some comment about preferring blokeinthepubleaks.org, but that might imply I enjoy hanging round pub toilets.
  8. last time was one of our lowest points - we came over as totally arrogant and idiotic and they took us to a replay................... Did they? We could have handled it better, aye, but you can't say we weren't provoked.
  9. Not those cunts again. The Sun will be dancing a wee jig.
  10. 3-2 to Wolves now. Canny few goals around today like!
  11. The less successful follow-up to "Bette Davis Eyes".
  12. Spot on, particularly the last part. There's something fundamentally wrong with a country that encourages as many kids as possible to go to university then has to import Eastern European people to earn higher wages than most graduates just because they know how to fix a boiler.
  13. Pretty sick and tired of hearing/reading this sort of thing. Most people who knock media courses probably don't know or understand what goes in them, that or they're against it because it's a relatively new educational subject and does not have the standing of your usual more academic courses. No, you're wrong we should have traditional courses like fletching and heralding Well, exaggeration aside, that's exactly what we should be doing - structured apprenticeships for trades and vocations that simply don't require a university education (and yet ultimately pay more than what you'd call a middle-class wage). Unfortunately, the Germans are years ahead of us on this and will be reaping the benefits long before we figure out just how flawed our "send half the population to university" model really is.
  14. If Taylor was really that good you'd be calling him Taylo.
  15. There were tweets last night about how wrong it was for the police to be keeping the poor bairns standing out in the cold for hours.
  16. and we've got you saying "Y'all" too Aye, that wasn't deliberate in the least.
  17. I'd have been staring at her and saying "and now in English please?".
  18. In a way I wonder if it's become more of an issue since the average age for "educated" people to start having kids got higher and higher. If you're waiting till your mid-30s and beyond then you're going to notice the discrepancy far more than when we all used to get hitched in our 20s and start popping 'em out like nobody's business.
  19. OK, fine, now y'all have got me looking for flights to Nashville for next summer. Can't justify it in terms of either time or money really, but but but...
  20. Nothing on the cheap side of London yet, but I've gawn and got the provisions in for the next few days just in case.
  21. It is. Some skanky bits too, but they're just as interesting if not more so. Great place to visit for a long weekend when the weather is good, particularly, as there's canals/rivers/lakes all over the place. Need to book flights there for February actually. I'm assuming they won't rocket up in price after tonight, but who knows.
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