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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2010/nov...-alan-partridge
  2. Fucking hell man, Yuran. Now that is a good call. Ended up being a fat bastard Brolin-style, if I remember rightly?
  3. John Salako. "Too faw nawf" apparently. I'm sure he enjoyed the bright lights of Coventry.
  4. If that was true I wouldn't have moved away, sweetcheeks.
  5. Advent candelabra just went up. Looks bloody gorgeous with all the snow outside. Actual Christmas decorations and mini-tree can wait till the 12th or so, I reckon.
  6. Meenzer


    Fish and I have spent the evening toasting your good health. Turkish delight-flavoured vodka ftw.
  7. Has he sacked anyone for wearing a poppy though? Or worse still was he caught reading a book? A book he was given by his geography teacher?
  8. Just watched this. Laughed once (George Michael's Highway Code - "...wank."), the rest was like a bad Frankie Boyle tribute act with extra swearing.
  9. Meenzer

    1, 2, 3...

    I'm just being a twat man Stevie. That pic's really nowt to get wound up about though.
  10. Meenzer

    1, 2, 3...

    I'm not homophobic, but this picture well, well I know what I want to say, but I won't. It's just well it's not right on a family message board.
  11. Agreed. The fit is far from adequate.
  12. Leazes wants us to be relegated. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon - and for the rest of our lives.
  13. Meenzer


    On an only slightly more serious note, I have been doing some marvellous things with couscous lately.
  14. Alternatively, my fella and I could use a houseboy.
  15. Nar, you didn't mention Health & Safety do-gooders.
  16. If the place is still functional without them, I guess that's one way of prioritising who gets the boot when the cuts kick in...
  17. Shurrup man, he wrights jokes for Jhon Bidshop.
  18. He love cream of sum yung guy </wacky>.
  19. New Wembley is impressive once you get out into the ground itself, but being taken up to your seat by escalator? It's like it's the Eldon Leisure Stadium or something.
  20. "For plantain chips? I'd climb a mountain!"
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