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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Nee bother Stevie, people like that tend to bring out the worst in me too. It's like Newcastle fans or any other group of people really, just because you happen to be one of them doesn't mean you have to like them all. I bet he dropped the words "girlfriend" and "sistah" into conversation too. Although I'm struggling to imagine that in a Mackem accent.
  2. (note to self: Dragons' Den, "Handkerchief Code" gift sets)
  3. That'd be like going into a bar you know to be largely populated by black people then complaining on the internet afterwards about how black they all were.
  4. The fella asked his gramps for the Pink 'Best Of' CD. Package from Amazon turns up today. The best of the Kinks.
  5. Depends. Was the bath an Islam? Some people man.
  6. Meenzer

    Top Gear

    The "unscripted" campfire banter
  7. http://www.richardherring.com/warmingup/wa...gup.php?id=2977
  8. The chorus is higher than I realised.
  9. Just got let off early. PARP!
  10. Dear me, this place should have a breathalyser fucntion. I ageer llo
  11. Permanent case of Joystick-Waggler's Wrist?
  12. I've given this poll a good Fisting too, with the greatest of respect to our elder statesmen. I'm also something of an A NICE HAT fanboy.
  13. Oh aye and UniQlo is great. It's one of the few places on Oxford Street I can stand to go into because people seem not to know what it is.
  14. I'm working till midday tomorrow, but there's likely to be not much on between now and then. Was originally going to work between Christmas and New Year's, but turns out I had a few more days holiday left than I realised, so I'm off until January 6th. Off to the fella's family in deepest Lincolnshire from tomorrow night to the 28th then Newcastle from January 2nd-5th, and much sitting around in my pants inbetween times. Expect lunchtime drunkenness.
  15. The longest ever Eurovision song title was "Man gewöhnt sich so schnell an das Schöne", with 34 letters. It got nul points.
  16. And "stewardesses" is the longest word you can type with only your left hand (if you're doing it proper and that).
  17. Just did mine the other day. Christmas Alf.
  18. Keep reading this as "Magpies set Barton free" and getting scared we've terminated his contract.
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