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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm still amazed he knows how to turn his computer on.
  2. I'm sure she can reach her prawn ring though.
  3. I've gone quite big on Hoffenheim -1.0 to try and atone for this weekend's losses (Juve, Man City). Basically broken even on the Australian Open so far, while I'm already up on the Eurovision season thanks to Norway last night. Starting to think I really ought to stick with what I know.
  4. There's a couple of online sources ( journalistic integrity ) that seem to suggest he was 61st= in the Rich List at the start of the 2000s. Whereas nowadays you'd need upward of £1bn to get there. I know there's a bit of inflation going on, but I smell a rat...
  5. Plus you're helping a smaller business in times like these and all. I'm not po-faced enough to avoid chain places on some kind of spurious moral grounds, but if it's a matter of a few quid more and the food/drink/service is better then it's a no-brainer!
  6. Aye, good stuff Stevie. And Blackfriars is lush. That's one of the regrets I have about living in a massive city, you can have fantastic restaurants and pubs and whatever on your doorstep but there's no point in recommending them to people because [a] they live 30-60 minutes away and they've got their own fantastic restaurants and pubs on their doorstep.
  7. I can understand it tbh. I like to think I'd be sensible like that - stash it in the bank and live off it - but I know I'd want to blow a good amount on this, that and the other. Travel, buying a business as a bit of a plaything on the side, all that stuff. And once you get used to having that kind of money it must be hard to stop, whether you're spending it on "worthy" things or not. Still, I'd expect people to point and laugh if the same thing happened to me, so all the same.
  8. Well you've got to have a rest from the hard work.
  9. Keeps forgetting to ask if you want fries with that?
  10. You were just waiting for him to post that so you could ram the point home, weren't you?
  11. Aye, same here if anyone's willing to get their hose out.
  12. Desperately trying to stay awake. Pathetic.
  13. I spent all my time reading the first Harry Potter book as a bairn calling her 'her-me-own' It's amazing I could read in the first place. They changed her name to "Hermine" for the German translation of the books/films. Fun fact of the day!
  14. 32, though on mornings like this I do feel more like O'Grady's vintage.
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