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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Marco Fritz is a magnificent name
  2. What are you, some kind of COMMUNIST?
  3. The German-speaking Swiss nickname for their national team is the "Nati", which never fails to make me do a double-take
  4. It's weird the commentators are treating Canada-Belgium like it's Tow Law against Barcelona or something. Canada qualified well and Belgium are ancient and managed by Martinez, two major handicaps.
  5. Looks like we're not going to have to make that decision
  6. Well it's one way of boycotting the tournament
  7. All the best Craig, totally understand where you're coming from and why. We can do that!
  8. Ronaldo leaving Manchester United with immediate effect. Big shock.
  9. Wait, he's 56 years old? He tweets like an "edgy" stoodent
  10. I suppose I should probably do some work now...
  11. If it's still in the balance come injury time I'm hoping for some Benjamin Massing-esque challenges from the Saudis here. Don't let me down, lads.
  12. Aye, you wouldn't be surprised to see "Messi pen (90+11)" in the records for this one, would you
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