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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I have no doubt he will
  2. Half day tomorrow and then I'm off till Monday. Plus I've got the house to myself from Friday morning to Sunday night. Inebriated inaction beckons.
  3. Meenzer


    Aye. The bread is better, the meat is better and the sauces are better. We'll call it a no-score draw on the salad front.
  4. Meenzer


    That's because this is Britain.
  5. I'd suggest they've been reading http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/fe...port?CMP=twt_gu in that case, but that'd imply reading skills.
  6. Crikey, he's already more verbally advanced than the Trent Posse after a couple of ciggy breaks. (Also awww )
  7. Here comes the week's second most famous Baines.
  8. Meenzer


    Goats' cheese crumbled into vegetable soup = all kinds of fabulous.
  9. Meenzer

    I fucked off

    Alreet Mong boy, report me as well if you like. Go on sunshine, fill your boots, tell on the nasty boys mocking you because you're incapable of typing or even stringing a damned sentence together. ... or just fuck off? Or call them faggots again. That tends to go down a treat when you're whining to the admins about abuse. Reported.
  10. Meenzer

    I fucked off

    Alreet Mong boy, report me as well if you like. Go on sunshine, fill your boots, tell on the nasty boys mocking you because you're incapable of typing or even stringing a damned sentence together. ... or just fuck off? Or call them faggots again. That tends to go down a treat when you're whining to the admins about abuse.
  11. There's something slightly unsettling about the prospect of a Senna getting his big break in F1 on the back of another fella having a massive crash.
  12. It's Valentine's Day coming up. Maybe he's snagged himself a looker off of the fresh meats counter.
  13. Meenzer


    Me and the fella are both Scorpios. Apparently this is a feisty combination. We did once disagree about which Eurovision DVD to watch.
  14. Pisses me off too. They sing it like a DEADMAN post. "walk on walk on with hope in youre heart and youll never walk alone youll never walk alone"
  15. Meenzer


    This afternoon I will mostly be making soup. One batch of carrot and coriander (with absolutely loads of coriander because I love the stuff) and one batch of Potage à la Clearing Out The Vegetable Drawer.
  16. Barton reckons he doesn't and is a disaster with his shots in training. They were showing some random international highlights on Eurosport last night that included a Poland-Ivory Coast friendly from November and he kept having a pop from distance and getting absolutely nowhere near, so he's obviously been building to this for a while
  17. Meenzer

    I fucked off

    The Swedes do stick "skit" (pronounced sort of halfway between "sheet" and "wheet") on the start of words as an intensifier, aye (e.g. "skitbra"/"skit bra" = "really good"). Never heard of that derivation before but it makes sense given what else came into NE English/Scots from the Vikings etc., as you say.
  18. Meenzer

    I fucked off

    Just found out my mother left at half-time to go shopping for a new kettle and some crochet yarn, so you're in good company.
  19. I saw 500/1 for the draw (no specific result) at half-time. also lol faggots
  20. Meenzer

    I fucked off

    Lush man. GET TO THOSE PHONES!
  21. Lost the dressing room, to coin a cliché - different players taking penalties to the ones he wanted, etc. Apparently he's spent €54 million since the start of the season to get them to one point above the relegation zone.
  22. I think my favourite person in that thread is the one who doesn't know who Diaby is.
  23. Meenzer

    I fucked off

    Incidentally Stevie, the lad on the Swedish site that quotes you says he'd probably have hit the bastard who went on about his fantasy team (only a loose paraphrase).
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