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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Then stop lying down in the road.
  2. Aye, get a pic up, I could use some eye candy
  3. And its cousin "IS IT" (no question mark or inflection).
  4. So does the volume on the iPlayer. A quiet piece of geekery I've always enjoyed. Wait, this post was years ago.
  5. Meenzer


    Made Brock's ratatouille from a few pages back. The balsamic and muscovado makes it bloomin' lovely.
  6. Meenzer


    In a veggie caff? There'll be letters
  7. Options - Display Modes - Standard Now don't say I never give you nowt (except herpes).
  8. You should have kidnapped and raped one of the fuckers just to teach her a lesson.
  9. I don't see why the two would have to be mutually exclusive.
  10. Got to 60 pages in before beddy-byes - interesting stuff, "plain common sense" or not, but then I've always enjoyed the nerdy/ultra-rational approach to things.
  11. Hope you backed out of the Oldham double, mind
  12. Remember when she snagged Gareth Gates for a while despite being pregnant? Pure class.
  13. I always assumed it was because using the s-word = search-friendliness = site more likely to get into trouble.
  14. They're clearly not doing much of a job treating your senility.
  15. I just assumed that was some kind of numerical approximation. "I was at Asda and there was a nunnery of people in front of me in the queue."
  16. I like the late-era Blur stuff when they went a bit odd. The Mockney era was fucking horrible.
  17. Blyme. I love Radiohead for doing what the fuck they like.
  18. And lord only knows where the nougat bits might end up.
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