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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    This is going to sound massively patronising, but I'll say it anyway: this is just another lesson to be learned. Apply the "plum tomato rule" (as I'm fashionably calling it ) from the last page - if something ostensibly bad for you claims to have as few calories in it as salad, chances are there's something dodgy afoot that needs to be investigated before gorging ensues.
  2. It's killing the industry, y'know.
  3. Meenzer


    For all this is obviously hilarious in the context of CT's weight loss humiliation on here , there ought to be laws against misleading labelling </dailymail>. In fact I'm sure there are at a European level - haven't idiot Sunderland greengrocers had heart attacks for less? - so quite why this mob can get away with it while trumpeting a glorious new era of "low salt" is beyond me. Got to give them credit for the sheer ballsiness of it all though.
  4. Meenzer


    Quick Google search finds a WeightWatchers thread where they're discussing these crisps. Apparently the packs have two sets of nutritional value on the back, one for the entire product and one for the flavouring. And it's the flavouring that has 17 calories per pack, never mind the tiny matter of the actual potatoes. Can you confirm, CT?
  5. Meenzer


    There's 17 calories in eight baby plum tomatoes. Please tell me there's some truth in this.
  6. You right, it stops at 10mph. That bloke must look like Billy Whizz as he goes past. I love watching live athletics, go to the Crystal Palace meet every summer and try to get to the odd international event too. Was sat at the end of the home straight when Usain Bolt broke the world record in Berlin. There's nothing quite like watching the middle-distance events though, as Gemmill says the likes of Kipketer took the 800m into sprint territory and the 1500m is going that way too. Even at the level of Gebreselassie in the 10000m, it looks so effortless until you do the maths and realise you couldn't do more than a few hundred metres on the treadmill at the pace he's keeping up for the best part of half an hour.
  7. Aye, but so did the Greeks. While forcing grapes up the arse of a 13-year-old boy. Or something.
  8. @rogernorway No CET in UK as children might get run over on dark mornings! I can confirm that Norwegian roads are littered with child corpses all winter.
  9. Argh my eyes. Not being facetious at all CT, but you should try and persuade your family to join in on the healthy eating to some extent rather than having to sit there sipping gruel while they pig out. There's no better motivation than the motivation that comes from the people around you.
  10. http://mediumlarge.wordpress.com/2011/02/2...-charlie-sheen/
  11. Everything in moderation You're one of life's fortunates who can even do excess in moderation. Careful though. You can get away with it while you're a young 'un, but one day you'll give it up and then where will you be, eh? Eh?
  12. Looking at ways. Just running a feasibility study on the whole thing at the minute. It's hungry, energy sapping work though. Could do with a takeaway to get me through. Supportive Cernt There's taking the piss out of someone as they make themselves a target and then taking the piss out of someone because it makes you feel better about yourself. Always important to make the distinction imo Better yet if you can combine the two for maximum efficiency, though. It's like doing cardio and weights in the same session.
  13. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/charlie-she...yorker-cartoons
  14. Meenzer


    Aye. Lucky enough to be trained by a chef whose been there, done it all. I already had a food hygeine certificate so I can work in a kitchen, so this is just good experience (just sorted out the pay as well)! Hoping to pursue this line of work as a career...perhaps. Some of the stuff would be delish with some meaty bits in. I appreciate bacon sarnies a lot more now. I told the mad Bavarian vegan girl from work about the place, by the way, so if you're out back and suddenly hear loudness, you'll know what's happened.
  15. Other way round for me, my gym sessions started precisely because of the overeating. I'm sure that's true of a lot of people who weren't particularly active as kids - there comes a point where your metabolism doesn't do what it used to (and it's not as if I was ever stick-thin in the first place). Fortunately, exercising a bit and eating a bit more healthily aren't the hardest things in the world once you start to see the results and get the motivation that brings - it doesn't mean having to become a soulless GymBot.
  16. Meenzer


    Ooh, that's got me all of a slaver.
  17. Meenzer


    That's one thing I regret about living dahn sahf. The area round here's nice and hilly which is good for a stomp around on the weekend, but the odd park aside, it's not exactly picturesque. Would love to live near interesting countryside again to give me the motivation to get out and about a bit more.
  18. Meenzer


    Just had some couscous with sundried tomatoes, pumpkin seeds and basil for lunch. You guys are an inspiration.
  19. Meenzer


    Then what? Smear it all over yourself while moaning "pukka tukka!" in an increasingly heightened state of arousal.
  20. I'm a lot less bothered about this than I thought I would be, mainly because Collins and Herring have really grown into the role. Shame there isn't room for both/all of them...
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