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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. What if the arse fucker has aids? Good AIDS or bad AIDS?
  2. Man City at home in '86, won 3-1.
  3. Meenzer


    Biscuits for breakfast? What's next? Marmalade for lunch?
  4. We ended up having curry instead. Should have served pancakes instead of naan bread just to see the reaction.
  5. Saw Caitlin Rose at the Borderline last night. Smashing.
  6. I don't consider that advert the best one. That there's some admirable restraint, sir.
  7. "I like... old movies... like Godfather 3..."
  8. I don't know what's scarier, the creepy photo or the fact that he appears to be drinking something blue from a wine glass
  9. Going to do savoury ones baked in the oven with ham, gruyere and various veg. Then a lemon juice and sugar pigout if we can stomach any more after that.
  10. Meenzer


    I'm going to have a go at giving up booze.
  11. It's good but it's no "Diamond Lights".
  12. If ever there was an appropriate moment...
  13. Canny enough. Bastard workload tomorrow, but off out to a gig in the evening (Caitlin Rose) and it's a short week because I'm off to Stockholm on Thursday morning to shake my schlager booty all weekend long.
  14. Unlike you when you're imagining blokes doing other blokes, apparently, considering how often you go on about it.
  15. http://www.theblizzard.co.uk/ Spearheaded by Jonathan Wilson, who's canny for a Mackem and a Guardian contributor. Trial issue is available for nowt if you want (though I threw in a couple of quid) - looks good so far.
  16. Meenzer


    The #NUFC hashtag already exists. kthxbye
  17. Nar, saving my liver for the hot Eurovision national final action tomorrow night.
  18. Meenzer


    That's actually properly shocking labelling. Should be banned straight away as far as I'm concerned. And yes I know the alarm bells should start ringing as soon there's as any claim of "17 calories per packet" in conjunction with a snack food product, but still. You can see how people who've never known any better would easily get drawn in.
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