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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. 'Pig out'? There's always Leazes's neighbours.
  2. Aye, I always find myself half disgusted and half mentally planning a road trip round all these places.
  3. So Kevin's not the only one getting rimshots lately!
  4. Not for the first time, I find myself extolling the virtues of http://www.vhemt.org/
  5. Wey I don't need to believe in little green men to be well aware of that.
  6. Haven't heard this in what must be the best part of 20 years. As I recall they played it loads on Metro at the time but it was never a hit.
  7. I have nibbled on the Fish's hog, and all is good.
  8. Aye, just tuning in now. Double bill on ESPN tonight too, there's Peru-Mexico later.
  9. I'd let you watch, I would invite you, but the queens we use would not excite you.
  10. Let's reiterate and stress this point. We're talking about David fucking Cameron, Tim Nice-but-Dim for the masses. The Eton old boy who churns out "Call me Dave" scripts from his kitchen. It is incredibly, fundamentally depressing that we don't appear to have anyone in parliament who can even chip away at his perch, let alone knock him off it. Aye. Look at some of the dregs / hasbeens he's got in his cabinet too. Anyway, almost equally depressing is that most NOTW readers will now buy The Sun on Sunday and kid themselves they've got a clear conscience. You appear to think they'll even know there's a difference.
  11. Let's reiterate and stress this point. We're talking about David fucking Cameron, Tim Nice-but-Dim for the masses. The Eton old boy who churns out "Call me Dave" scripts from his kitchen. It is incredibly, fundamentally depressing that we don't appear to have anyone in parliament who can even chip away at his perch, let alone knock him off it.
  12. If not: http://make-everything-ok.com/
  13. Meenzer


    What is your name Meenzer?? Surely the number of times Chayton has called me Martin in order to prove that Chayton knows I'm called Martin would suggest that I'm called Martin? ...I'm sorry, I think I've had too many dealings with Nick-Kielce-Poland of late. OOps sorry I asked! I can't say I've noticed Craig calling you Martin, else I'd not have asked!! Aw, I'm only playing. And not very well, apparently. Also happy birthday Craig!
  14. First you bring up cock-sizes, then you make implications about homosexuality. Come out of the closet, old chap You know what Nick, you're correct I love a good cock. Shame you're the biggest one here!
  15. Meenzer


    What is your name Meenzer?? Surely the number of times Chayton has called me Martin in order to prove that Chayton knows I'm called Martin would suggest that I'm called Martin? ...I'm sorry, I think I've had too many dealings with Nick-Kielce-Poland of late.
  16. Meenzer


    I hereby join Bev, Stevie, Ant, Fist (), Scott, Cath and Darrel in saying "Happy birthday Chayton!".
  17. Aye, good excuse for a self-congratulatory backslap of a final issue with no moral implications or downstream impact on advertising, too.
  18. On average, I'd say I'm from somewhere in the middle of the North Sea.
  19. Howmanheyman, I'd feel a bit low if I acted that way towards Howmanheyman.
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