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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm willing to suggest that's not quite right.
  2. Grooming Oh heavens, dear boy. I do wait until they're capable of coherent conversation.
  3. I can't deal with imperial at all. Swedish mother and lived in Germany for a while, but even allowing for that, it always seemed completely daft to me.
  4. Craig's family gets the sporting genes, my family gets the pisshead genes. Doomed from the word go.
  5. I thought the first 20 minutes or so of that was really good, and then Jennifer Aniston happened.
  6. Jesus, you make us sound like fairground rides! Wey I've heard you just have to feed in £2 for a five-minute go. Is that not right?
  7. The morning the book came out I changed my Facebook status to "I'm still stunned. *Frodo* kills Harry?!" The first "WTF no spoilers I'm still reading" complaint came about three minutes later.
  8. Even I'll get behind that. Long day Imagine the training facilities we would have if it were true!!!! We could make James Perch... borderline adequate
  9. Even I'll get behind that.
  10. Fortunately for him, there's plenty of evidence to draw upon once he gets older.
  11. I've never had one in this country since coming back from Dusseldorf in May. Unbelievable how much better everyone elses kebabs are compared to ours. And that's Dusseldorf, which is otherwise boring as fuck. I'd never had one here till halfway through my year in Hamburg. Came back for a trip home, thought I'd give it a go one night with my veins 87% beer. Floppy grey strips of playdoh in a cardboard bun.
  12. Shall i order you one Enoch? Double bacon please Mohammad
  13. Is it a good kebab or a British one?
  14. Honestly, could any of you really put up with someone as annoying as Cotton, however hot (or not) she may be? I mean I know it's easy to say things like "hur hur hur, I'd give her something to stop her mouth with", but realistically you know you'd be looking to stove her head in with a poker after ten minutes in her company.
  15. Special-interest forums are pretty tragic too.
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