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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Hangovers, rail strikes, the as yet undetermined presence of James Maddison. What better way to spend Boxing Day?
  2. Of course it was Gullis. What a relentless ARSEHOLE that man is
  3. I like that you've even formatted that one like the Christmas cracker joke it is.
  4. He became internet-famous for sprinkling salt on steak and real-life "famous" for selling said steak for ludicrous amounts at his restaurant. For a while he also flogged a gold leaf-coated steak that went for about a grand. The perfect face for a Qatar World Cup really.
  5. Hay cunts, what's going on in this thread?
  6. I knew Stevie had moved south of the river but I didn't realise he'd outright defected... (Defecated, yes, but not defected)
  7. Jeremy Clarkson having a nice normal one in The Sun
  8. No surprise to learn that our old friend Willie McKay was involved.
  9. Hope he doesn't follow Diego's example and end up as Kvarapounder.
  10. This playlist on repeat for the next week, pretty much
  11. This is where I reveal that my forum nickname is actually me playing the long game to prove a special relationship between NUFC and FSV Mainz 05 dating back to the early 2000s. Fetch me a bedsheet, it's banner time!
  12. Like every Ponzi scheme I suppose, there's money in the grift as long as you're not the one left carrying the can.
  13. You might appreciate this. (Forgive the waffle, which I quite enjoy, but I appreciate won't be everyone's cup of cachaça.) https://www.theringer.com/world-cup/2022/12/14/23507445/22-goals-world-cup-brazil-pele
  14. One cat's eye for each member. Nice touch.
  15. That's an astonishing statistic. No wonder there's a housing crisis.
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