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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I've just read that the Norwegian equivalent of the YMCA (as in the organisation, not the song) is called KFUK-KFUM. Catchy.
  2. Ring Of Fire is too obvious. Soooo...
  3. It's mid-2003 at a translation company somewhere in the Rhineland. Everything is as quiet and dull as usual. Suddenly the door flies open and our boss marches in, stops dead in the middle of the room and proclaims "Everybody! They've got Uday and Qusay Hussein!".
  4. A fair question. There are a lot of Energy from Waste plants in production across the UK but the only way these are getting built is through major local political and commercial incentivisation, provision of add on infrasturcture to 'compensate' for the facilities' presence. Which of course tax payers foot the bill. Incinerators still have a bad reputation, despite the fact that modern filtration techniques can mean the air coming out of the facilities is purer than that drawn in. Sympathetic construction and design techniques also mean they are no longer eyesores but fundamentally trucks and trucks full of garbage will have to go somewhere, driven past someone's house. Basically despite everyone buying as much shit as they can muster, no-one wants to have to even think about the waste once their latest consumption is completed, much less have it burned in their own back yard. Similarly people object to wind generators 'because it spoils their view' when ironically they spend much of their time indoors watching their 50" plasma tv. Withdraw Nimby*'s services I say - object to electricity production in your area? Go live in a cave then you selfish, short sighted, narrow minded fuckwits. *Not In My Backyard blyme* *Better Lug Your Mess Elsewhere
  5. Decent summary that, like. They've got a long way to go with black people in particular. You still get greetings cards in Germany with cartoons of huge-lipped tribesmen with bones through their noses and all (no further context - the image itself is "funny").
  6. Poor old Germany. Their national cuisine already consisted of slabs of meat in various forms, then they got the immigrants - Turks, Yugoslavs - whose cuisine also consists of slabs of meat in various forms. Meanwhile, we got the herbs, spices and flavours.
  7. In case you happen to have a few minutes free on a lazy Monday.
  8. Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience" Ah, gotcha, didn't know that. Fried chicken bucket meal in deepest Peckham then? Even his experience of the oil-rich plutocracies of the world won't prepare him for half an hour on the top deck of the N171 at 3am. true dat homes By the by, have our Dads been talking again? Not that I'm aware of. I'm seeing my old man next weekend when I'm up for the GNR, but I'm reasonably confident our secrets are safe. Also, meeting "the Lads" for Champions League viewing and pints on Wednesday if you're about? Mebbes. Should be being good in the run-up to Sunday really, but I might come along and snidely mock your worldview by drinking peppermint tea all night.
  9. Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience" Ah, gotcha, didn't know that. Fried chicken bucket meal in deepest Peckham then? Even his experience of the oil-rich plutocracies of the world won't prepare him for half an hour on the top deck of the N171 at 3am. true dat homes By the by, have our Dads been talking again? Not that I'm aware of. I'm seeing my old man next weekend when I'm up for the GNR, but I'm reasonably confident our secrets are safe.
  10. That's £15 worth of music and £5 worth of dinner! Clearest thinker on these here boards.
  11. Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience" Ah, gotcha, didn't know that. Fried chicken bucket meal in deepest Peckham then? Even his experience of the oil-rich plutocracies of the world won't prepare him for half an hour on the top deck of the N171 at 3am.
  12. That's £15 worth of music and £5 worth of dinner!
  13. (Yes I am running this past Sam too, hence the scattershot/brainstorming nature of my post count massage.)
  14. Something on a boat/on the river is generally a good call, but obviously December isn't necessarily the time for it.
  15. In seriousness, an "experience" add-on would seem like an obvious choice. Something like the London Eye is probably a bit basic, but you see what I'm getting at. For all they wouldn't be taken by a posh meal, if it was somewhere properly iconic or unusual maybe, rather than "just" expensive?
  16. Pay for them both to spend three hours fighting on the barricades in an actual civilian uprising somewhere in the world with negligible medical care but excellent showtunes.
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