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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. More importantly, my magic touch is gone - Meenzer (+ Gemmill) out as thread starter. Over to someone else for Arsenal!
  2. Anyway, to answer the question, I didn't set any specific 2022 goals other than to keep doing what I'm doing, but my body feels like a wreck at least 80% of the time and my legs are mostly leaden every time I try and run. So that's delightful. Still, I also did something like my seventh-fastest ever 5k at the start of November, so fuck knows. It's basically random, I never know how it's going to be on any given day. Anyway, my weight's creeping up and I suspect it all means I'm entering the inevitable decline phase and will just have to embrace the dadbod (this is not a niche porn preference). I sense (even) more hill walking in my future...
  3. That'll look nice right next to the vidiprinter clarification 0-7* (SEVEN*)
  4. As coincidences go, this is a doozy: https://www.coe.int/en/web/anti-human-trafficking/greta Tell me we're not living in a simulation.
  5. Not using a grubby Romanian sex dungeon to traffic women is low T behaviour.
  6. Sassy Greta Thunberg is a development I can definitely endorse
  7. Greetings from the last northbound train out of London. This is going to be fun.
  8. It probably won't be the last time, but I think we had a pretty easy time of it in either the '98 or '99 FA Cup runs (or both?). Craig, engage your nerdbrain and confirm or correct me!
  9. All the best to you and to him, HMHM. Parents with an open door for their kids' mates are worth their weight in gold like, I imagine she'll have quietly done the world of good without necessarily even realising.
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