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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZGTNUQELiE
  2. I'd be wondering why she's talking with her mouth full in the first place.
  3. That's where the drink came in. Obliterating the grim reality.
  4. A lamb tagine, in this case. But if Fish had persuaded me to stay on for a nightcap, I'm sure that would have been on the agenda too.
  5. Mildly sozzled and full of good food because someone chose the right thing from the menu.
  6. Retro pic-tastic! http://badgergp.com/2011/11/badgers-brazilian-flashback-1986/
  7. Just catching up with this. Very nice. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b016300r
  8. Meenzer


    You off the soup then?
  9. Meenzer


    You guys (and girls). Thank you
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXtOnRbNcmc
  11. And if there's a brown envelope involved in each of those handshakes, we might actually get the World Cup one day.
  12. "The lesson we have learned from all our hard work against racism is that racism is best ignored." Priceless.
  13. Manhattan's only a couple of miles across though, it's not like the east-west distances aren't walkable. We regretted all the walking we did after a while, but that was the height of summer...
  14. Meenzer


    I'll take that as you volunteering. Thanks Unkie Alex.
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