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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm hoping for the completion of a story that began with this: ...and was tragically interrupted in 1993. Check out that second goal, from 1:55 or so onwards.
  2. Yes, did a great job ta. I'm pulling everything off eBay(s) for a bit though. Pump the exclusive angle for a couple of months with the new stuff. Makes sense. Glad to hear you got what you needed anyway - the site can stay in my bookmarks now.
  3. Did things work out OK in the end with that translation site you found?
  4. Had a few quid floating around my bet365 account so I've just stuck a fiver on Zambia to win the ACN at 50s. Obviously massively unlikely, but loads of the big teams are missing and sentiment is on their side, so you never know.
  5. Could have come straight from the pen of the late, lamented kebabstylee.
  6. Meenzer

    Holidays 2012

    We've given up on Portugal. Expanded the search and immediately found tons of apartments in Lanzarote that fit the bill, so it's off to Costa Teguise in May. Which is what I'd have preferred in the first place anyway. Passive-aggressive win!
  7. Sorry to go off topic, but as an avid Viz reader for years I kept hearing about this place. Is it worth a visit? Also, did any of you go to that Indian restaurant Abdul Latifs (?) that was always mentioned in it's holy pages? Spent half my childhood there, Latif was a good family friend. Got bought my first pint there off Gazza. When I was 9. Anyway it's a canny enough restaurant if you ignore the Curry Hell (and trust me - ignore it) but you'll want to get out of the Bigg Market sharpish when you're done.
  8. I'm going to make a wild guess at "the subject of the thread"
  9. Meenzer


    @longreads Worth a follow if you're the kind of person who ever feels like they've read the whole internet. Also @LoNFeed
  10. ...although I suspect you do most of these things (and more) already. http://matadornetwork.com/abroad/how-to-piss-off-a-german/ How to piss off a German Paul Sullivan shows you how to really piss off your German friends without even mentioning the war. BEFORE YOU READ ON, know that I am genuinely fond of Germans and Germany. For the last three years I have lived in Berlin. I have German friends and deal with German people on a daily basis. My experiences here have been overwhelmingly positive, but you don’t live in a place this long without learning a few things. Here, then, are some surefire ways to upset a German person, should you need to…. Cross at a red light (with small children) The simplest and best way to provoke some classic Teutonic anger is to meander across the road when the light is showing red. You’ll be risking a fine for jaywalking and you may even be mowed down by a speeding vehicle, but it’s worth it to witness the expressions awaiting you on the other side of the road. Elderly, hunched women, beefy tattooed workmen in overalls, sensible parents authoritatively clutching their young children – all united in their righteous mix of incomprehension, disgust and outrage. For maximum impact, skip across the street with a couple of small children, whistling cheerfully as you go. Stare back at them using binoculars If staring was an Olympic sport, the Germans would win Gold every time. In places like the UK and the USA, staring at strangers for sustained amounts of time can get you yelled at, punched or even killed. In Germany, staring openly is something that just happens – like breathing, walking or developing a long and unnecessarily complex vocabulary (see below). People here don’t just stare at you, they stare through you, mostly through genuine curiosity but sometimes critically (it’s no coincidence that the most intense surveillance apparatus in European history, the Stasi, occurred in East Germany). Staring back only creates a stand-off which no one can win, so the best counter-attack is to use the element of surprise: whip out a pair of small binoculars and return eye contact at close range. Failing that, ask loudly (through a megaphone if you can find one) if they’d care to take a photograph. Use fancy English words they don’t understand Most Germans (of a certain age) speak very good English, which makes them slightly smug, especially when only three non-natives in the history of the world have ever been able to master German. This is mainly because many German words, as Mark Twain once noted, are “so long that they have a perspective.” One of the shortest words in the German dictionary is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, for example, which loosely means “No”. The longest word in English, Antidisestablishmentarianism, is pathetic in comparison, so a long-word battle isn’t going to work. Instead, take advantage of English’s arcane vocabulary, sprinkling long-forgotten words like “circumbilivagination” and “epalpebrate” throughout the conversation as if they were commonplace. This method is guaranteed to replace the smugness on your companion’s face with something way more anxious. Urinate standing up This one is for men (obviously) and is based on a subtle cultural anomaly in Germany where men tend to pee sitting down. There’s even a name for men who do this: sitzpinklers; those who insist on standing — and therefore spraying, maintain the (mostly female) critics — are called stehpinklers. This is not a massively advertised national trait and applies mostly to domestic situations; even the most house-trained German men don’t wee sitting down in clubs or public toilets. But it’s a very real phenomenon and you may well find pro-sitzpinkler stickers adorning lavatories. So in order to be ultra-annoying, you need only (literally) stand up for your male rights. Say you don’t like asparagus, especially if it’s white Germans are – there’s no other way to put this – absolutely, uncontrollably cuckoo-crazy about asparagus (spargel). It’s been dubbed the ‘vegetable of kings’ and ‘edible ivory’. What’s more, it’s not the usual green variety they obsess over, but white asparagus, which the rest of the world generally regards with suspicion. More of the stuff is eaten in Germany than anywhere else in the world except Switzerland. From the end of April to the end of June they literally eat nothing else, day and night, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Normally sensible restaurants transform their menus into a list of asparagus recipes, wooden huts pop up at roadsides, and public toilets absolutely reek of the stuff. While Germans are generally not known to spend large amounts of money on food, they’d sell their own grandmothers to land them some-o’-that ‘White Gold’. So if you are ever invited for dinner during asparagus season, advising them you are not a fan of the stuff, “especially the tasteless white version,” will guarantee you instant enmity, if not a good kicking and deportation. Recycle erroneously Germans were busy recycling things back when most of us were still learning how to use our opposable thumbs. Hence their recycling infrastructure, refined over various millennia, has very strict rules involving colored bins for different forms of rubbish (plastic, tin, food etc.) and a veritable army of binmen rumbling about the place. As well as the recycling systems that are inherently part of each household, you’ll also find large green, white and brown containers on the street, which are used for correspondingly colored glass bottles. To irk a decent segment of any local neighbourhood or town, simply rock up to these containers with a trolley full of bottles and start placing them in the wrong units. Even a quiet street on a Sunday morning will quickly witness scenes of mass outrage, as old men with sticks and pony-tailed schoolgirls alike sprint from their houses and hang from their windows to shake their fists at your stupidity and ignorance. Break the news that no one outside Germany has seen Dinner For One Asking a German person if they know Dinner For One is a guaranteed way to make their eyes light up. The film is about a bonkers aristocrat (Miss Sophie) who celebrates her 90th birthday with friends who, given they’ve all died off, are imaginary. Her butler, James, comically fills in for each of them, mimicking their voices, drinking their toasts in turn and getting steadily more sloshed. It’s been shown every New Year’s Eve in Germany since the early 70s and is nothing short of a national institution. When your acquaintance, hours later, is done enthusing and quoting, quietly point out to them that, despite holding a Guinness Record for the most aired TV program in history, Dinner For One has never, ever been screened in Britain or the States, and only a few times in Australia. Set your alarm and grab the sun loungers first Yep – you can even annoy Germans outside their own country. Vacationing Deutsch folk are notorious worldwide for their lounger-bagging. So much so, that in 2009, Thomas Cook set up a booking service to help Germans bag their loungers before they’d even boarded the plane. For maximum vexation, set an alarm to get up in the middle of the night and cover all available sun loungers with towels. (Extra points if the towels are imprinted with a Union Jack).
  11. Meenzer

    Holidays 2012

    Bunch of us are looking to go to Portugal for a week in May. Surprised at how few apartments seem to have wireless internet. And yes it is necessary.
  12. Colo is to Williamson as Woodgate is to O'Brien.
  13. Meenzer


    Tonight I'm making this: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/jan/19/brussels-sprout-chorizo-barley-hotpot-recipe-marcus-wareing Sounds like an odd combination, but I've had it a few times and it's lush and smoky and wintry.
  14. http://www.alphaila....ing-vs-reality/ Not really worth its own thread, but canny interesting to see it all in action. Even if some people have far too much time on their hands.
  15. Meenzer

    Pet Hates!

    I'm elegant. Besides, if you ever make good on your drunken promise to hit New Cross for drinks and scran at some point, the proximity of Goldsmiths guarantees that a blazer would make you only the twelfth most twattily-dressed person in any given establishment.
  16. My sister in law and her wife have 2 kids (same donor and mother), I don't know any gay men with kids though, do you? How on earth do they decide which one passes on the genes? Now that you mention it, I don't know any who have them biologically, no - although I know a lot of couples where one or both of them have kids from previous heterosexual relationships. Can be a complicated business, but no more so than in any other "you're not my real dad!" situation, as far as I can tell anyway. Nearest thing in my circle of friends is a lesbian couple who recently had a baby with a long-time friend (a gay man, as it happens) as the father - they're raising him but the father's very much involved too. Not a model I'd ever really thought about - it feels like something that has to involve slightly grubby anonymity at some level, such is the stigma attached to it, I suppose - but it seems to be working really well for them so far, touch wood.
  17. We won't be having any - I'm not against it in principle (though I imagine I'd have days when I regretted it in practice ), I do like (non-Satan-spawn) kids and the 30something broody genes are certainly starting to kick in a bit, but the other half goes mental if he has to spend any real length of time around kids, whoever they may belong to. Frankly I suspect even owning a dog or cat would be pushing it. Like I say though, I do like kids - had a great time with his cousins from Aussieland on Boxing Day and didn't want to give them (or their cool new toys) back afterwards - but that's very different from the reality and responsibility of having your own, obviously. Plus we've both got really small families so there aren't many young 'uns kicking around - it might be a bit different if every family event was crawling with hyperactive brats.
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