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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm enjoying this at the minute - gentle humour, all very Radio 4 really - but I can't help but picture the main character as CT.
  2. He will be jocular, he will be jocular
  3. I got a "wah wah wah our troops in Afghanistan" comment when Gary Speed died. Fucking wankers.
  4. Worst rendition of Toto on Singstar 80s evah.
  5. Christ, did she really need to bring it up at the memorial ffs. Not what they claim the day's about, surely. Tweaked your post.
  6. I propose a minute's silence for the English language, la.
  7. ...and then he got something else out ...and then we all got on top of his lap ...and then we all became "Bels Amis" Damn it. There's potential there but I can't quite make it work.
  8. I had to google that. Says a lot that you know what it means tbh . . . It says he's got at least one faaaabulous gay friend, for a start.
  9. Ah, but is he a CCOKC? http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/b6ddedd57e/ccokc-child-celebrities-opposing-kirk-cameron
  10. The righteous strut down the stairs at the end is so spot on.
  11. This is, presumably, written and devised by grown adults: https://twitter.com/#!/titanicrealtime
  12. Meenzer


    Or the words of someone who remembers Joey Deacon.
  13. Split the difference - you take the T and I'll take the G? Too late!! Curses.
  14. Split the difference - you take the T and I'll take the G?
  15. Will you find something easily enough? Yeah, should be fine finding something, turnover's pretty quick on rentals around here. It'll be pricier than the current place though, and it's just the hassle of it all. Gaaah. I shall have to turn to gin to see me through.
  16. My Eurovision forum and this place, probably. Twitter doesn't count because I have it in a sidebar thingy so it's constantly updating anyway.
  17. See, I think at some level that's actually a part of it. Many of them aren't just grieving for Hillsborough, they're - subconsciously perhaps - also grieving for a time when they were a genuinely big club, a club whose slow decline began not long after the disaster and shows no signs of stopping. Making the Hillsborough anniversary into a big deal every year indirectly reinforces the idea that they're a big deal too.
  18. Gaah. The joys of renting - just found out we're being turfed out of our current place at the end of June. It's been hanging over our heads for a few months, so I suppose I should be thankful we'll be moving in the middle of the summer and not mid-winter like it might originally have been, but still.
  19. There's coincidence for you - my fella's been playing a decent-sounding album for the last half hour, I ask him what it is and it turns out it's her. Canny listen like.
  20. Taking the piss with the towels away at Stoke.
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