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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'll make a case for Caffè Nero, I reckon they're a cut above.
  2. He goes to a different country in a different decade, you wouldn't know him
  3. "Someone brought a multipack, quick, add on 6!"
  4. Maybe FFP rule-flouting has its benefits after all.
  5. Nine-month-long wedding season, marra
  6. Tory think tank on top form here
  7. I see Right Said Fred are [checks notes] defibrillator truthers now. At least the replies are entertaining...
  8. She was in the audience for Eurovision 1991 and Terry Wogan spotted her in the crowd in a matter of milliseconds, the old sot.
  9. It didn't take itself very seriously, I said, it didn't take itself very seriously
  10. Hey, that's not bad going at our age.
  11. You can sing that to the tune of Shaky's "Merry Christmas Everyone", and you should.
  12. Brave comment to make in the 70th minute, but I guess that's why they're paid the big bucks and we're not.
  13. Sorry, badly put - "the decision as given" (eventually )
  14. You'll be shocked to hear that Peter Walton agreed with the on-pitch decision.
  15. "That don't impress me much"
  16. I see Rees-Mogg is being an appalling cunt again, just for a change
  17. Worryingly strong twink/daddy energy in that pic
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