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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxLg3UhKPN67TjQG3yf1_DtAPHc0AX9xpS
  2. Aye okay, but when you're talking about a show that's specifically about the key figure in a religion, I think it's worth knowing what flavour of that religion is involved in making it.
  3. Anti-abortion lead actor; don't mind if I don't
  4. "They're not here to defend themselves.... BUT THEY'RE ALL CORRUPT!" More of this kind of thing please
  5. Their spam link was there. And then it wasn't. 😇
  6. Unfortunately, the bulk of the people with any sway over this matter don't consider the victims to be sufficiently human to be worth their concern.
  7. Do you happen to have any thoughts about Chris Eubank Jr...?
  8. You'll be wanting the mackem messageboard gold thread for that
  9. Couple of chords too many for the Freds, that one.
  10. I love that he keeps coming back when he could have easily retired a rich man (not that he won't anyway, obviously).
  11. You weren't saying that on Sunday.
  12. Them stole Geordie. Them bad beheaders.
  13. Only two cup wins, a Champions League final and one point behind the league winners last season. NOT GOOD ENOUGH, LA.
  14. Does seem to defeat the point a little, too
  15. It's mad really. Within a volunteer-driven organisation like parkrun we've got so many safeguarding protocols around junior runners, and yet the English arm of the richest and most popular sport in the world can't get things like this right (or doesn't especially feel the need to, more likely).
  16. This album is doing it for me today. Japanese shoegaze ftw
  17. I mean, fucking hell. If that's not conscious racism, what is?!
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