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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Can't remember if we've had this one already:
  2. Meanwhile, at the shopping centre next to the Olympic Park:
  3. Someone picked the wrong person to be sitting near when trying a trick like that: http://sport.uk.msn.com/olympics-2012/inside-track/blogpost.aspx?post=922302a0-1a94-4df7-8a63-de1627e118bc
  4. "The guns aren't working. LET'S GIVE EVERYONE NUKES"
  5. Great run from Ohuruogu there mind, I know it's "only" silver but I thought she was completely finished this time last year.
  6. Hah, brilliant, watching the individual gymnastics finals and there's a 37-year-old woman in the vault. She looks like one of the coaches has turned up and snuck into the line-up while nobody was looking.
  7. Ploughing through some stuff that's ultimately bound for the charity shop, so this week has seen me take in Jenny Eclair's "Having A Lovely Time" and Nick Hornby's "Juliet, Naked". Both decent enough easy reads with implausibilities in terms of characterisation and, oddly enough, a female character who gets herself pregnant without the man in question knowing about it. Passed the time, but I was expecting a bit more from the latter in particular.
  8. Now that's an Olympian challenge I can get behind!
  9. And I was at the wrong end of two bottles of red. No harm done (other than to my chances of ending up in your operating theatre one day).
  10. http://www.london2012.com/athletics/event/women-100m/index.html Gah. Fourth fastest qualifier for the final and then that!
  11. Those were some of the special words I also considered before settling on a version that'd give the forum's prime attention-seeker less of what he craves.
  12. Ahh, at least there was an explanation for those not lucky enough ( ) to be watching it on TV. And aye, judging by my experience on Wednesday night - and that was before 80,000 athletics fans were added into the mix! - there was no way anyone was getting out of there (or the park, or into the tube/DLR) any time soon, so why not hang around for a bit of a cheer and a singsong? Mind, I'm still bitter at missing out on Ennis's victory ceremony in Berlin in 2009 because they held most of them at the start of the evening session instead, while people were gradually filing in. I was busy getting a Currywurst outside the stadium when the drum roll began. Bastids.
  13. And you might not have even got the medal ceremony tonight if they hadn't sorted out the issue over the German girl's disqualification. Protest, counter-protest, all very dramatic behind the scenes apparently. I just wish we had a better national anthem. Hell, longer would be a start
  14. Meenzer


    I'm desperately trying to crowbar in a good show/Ghada Shouaa pun. It's not happening.
  15. Dead chuffed for you! Meanwhile I was in a gay bar where everybody actually cared about sports all night long. That's surely at least as much of an achievement.
  16. The mentions of "When I'm 64" earlier. Tried to hum it to myself just now and ended up humming the Wombing Song instead. Good old Macca.
  17. http://www.london2012.com/athlete/prucksakorn-tanyaporn-1103860/
  18. Aye true, Unplugged is great as well. Never quite sure whether to consider it a standalone album or not though.
  19. ...toffee, chocolate, so what?
  20. And obviously In Utero is far and away Nirvana's best album.
  21. A tally that it's taken them 37 identical and tedious albums to achieve. Congratulations!
  22. Floyd are gash like. But then so is my taste in music.
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