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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Kid four seats down from us at the closing ceremony on Sunday night managed to do a Coke-and-chocolate projectile vomit just as Boris Johnson took hold of the Olympic flag. We basically missed the fallout, but the lad and lass next to us in white T-shirts will have had an interesting trip home...
  2. It's almost like Fish is ignoring all of the evidence in front of his eyes and... oh wait.
  3. http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/15604-fao-papa-lazaru/ Lest we forget.
  4. Makes the others look really bad by comparison mind.
  5. Legacy-wise, avoiding this kind of thing will be a start: http://www.flavorwire.com/318267/fascinating-photos-of-abandoned-olympic-sites?all=1
  6. Straight through the middle of his Brandenburg Gate.
  7. I voted for everyone, because it's true. (Even myself. It'd be a shame if I wasn't there for it.)
  8. It gets worse - the Germans think we hog the sunbeds!
  9. Looks to have died a quiet death much like the posse itself.
  10. Is it a concrete notion of "Britishness" that they're pursuing, though? Or just constituent aspects of it? Once a picture becomes sufficiently fragmented, it may be pointless to even try and see it as a coherent whole.
  11. You should be in the Olympic Legacy thread. There's a certain degree of crossover here.
  12. Hey, if Brock can still be chastised for his YouTube videos, conspiracy theories about the "Trent posse" are still relevant too.
  13. Interestingly, at no point in that argument do you allow for the possibility that the majority are correct. But sometimes "we" must be, even in your worldview.
  14. Maybe the Games have shown that we don't need to wring our hands about that lack of unity and clearly defined identity, that we really are just the sum of our parts - whatever they may be - and that's not such a bad thing.
  15. To flip that line of thinking, if Stratford is always going to be a shithole anyway, might as well get an Olympics out of it.
  16. He's great value in a pub scenario. Will have you sipping cocktails with flamboyant designers in no time.
  17. Your deployment of the hankie code was exemplary.
  18. I definitely think it'll have that effect in the short term, both on ourselves and the wider world. Whether it's sustainable, well, who knows. For some reason I'm reminded of the temporary "softening" of the country after Diana's death, although obviously this is far less mawkish than that, being a feel-good factor rather than a wallowing-in-feeling-bad factor. I think what the whole thing has done is make it quite clear that Britain enjoys more goodwill and respect in the world than we sometimes afford ourselves, given our tendency towards the cynical and self-critical (albeit with a dose of humour attached).
  19. On point 4, the Olympic Village will no doubt become the usual overpriced cardboard commuter cages (with some minimal percentage set aside as "affordable housing", a horrible weasel phrase that's prevented the house price bubble from bursting like it ought to), but having spent a bit of time on the Park itself over the last few weeks, I'm reasonably confident it'll become a decent facility for locals as well as a destination in its own right. It's a nicely landscaped facility already and the plans for its development between now and the official (re)opening next year look good, plus it's close enough to the high-traffic Westfield centre that it shouldn't become a white elephant or anything. Shame they've felt the need to name it after the Queen, but hey, business as usual I guess. Not convinced the benefit will particularly spread to the rest of the East End in any more tangible a way than the inevitable process of yummy-mummification would ensure anyway.
  20. But you do think it's pointless.
  21. He just wanted to see your sassy ass wiggle outta here.
  22. So basically there's no point in knowledge, or striving to obtain knowledge. Leazes was right
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