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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Disqualified and stripped of gold due to drug fiendery. Who knew?!
  2. The former is meant to be. While the latter has been the source of plenty of "humour" on here (Wacky, I'm looking at you ) but is legit. Of course, if you want somewhere overpriced, soulless, devoid of Newcastle fans but near your hotel, you're welcome to http://www.thesportscafe.com/london
  3. The Germans' candidate city for the 2012 Olympics was Leipzig. This still amuses me to no end.
  4. http://www.halfway2heaven.net/ Mind, a couple of rounds in the Traf Square/Soho neck of the woods will set you back as much as a ticket to ver Bridge. Anyway, I haven't been for a while but the Cock and Lion (just behind Oxford Street near Bond Street) is a traditional gathering point for our fans in the big smoke: http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/show.shtml/84/Cock_and_Lion/Bond_Street
  5. We'd done the history thing in the opening ceremony though. The closing is just meant to be one last daft pissup.
  6. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/arts-entertainment/45-year-old-salesman-apologises-for-closing-ceremony-2012081337959
  7. Junk mail from Travelodge just now. "It's goodbye Games - Hello £10 OFF at over 500 hotels". Fucking hell man, as if today wasn't depressing enough as it is.
  8. The tabloids in our beloved European neighbours seem to have enjoyed it, for what it's worth. I think we forget how much even our crap is cool compared with most foreign music.
  9. Just got in (well, half an hour ago). Brilliant night at the stadium. Obviously (as I've said on Facebook and I'm sure plenty of you will have said in this thread - I'll go and read it now ) it was a mixed bag entertainment-wise and seemed pretty messy as a concept, but closing ceremonies are always a bit like that, the anti-climax after all the drama. Main thing was the party vibe around the place was brilliant to be a part of. Dead glad the volunteers got the huge ovation they deserved too. Bollocks, man. That was London 2012 already.
  10. Nah, they do believe that sport exists.
  11. Everything under the sun. Turks who want their country to win no medals "because the government is using sport as a propaganda tool". It's all there.
  12. Plus the places are full of rabid nationalists, so the Olympics are a godsend in terms of traffic.
  13. Oh dear, I suggested elsewhere that Montenegro threw away a medal against Serbia in the water polo just now, having been 11-8 up going into the final quarter, and now I have a radgie Serbian woman on my case. Apparently the referees are all c-words and I've disrespected the brave and talented Serbian players.
  14. Just been watching the volleyball final, ridiculous comeback from Russia to beat Brazil after being two sets down. Do sports like this ever get broadcast normally, even on Eurosport or whatever? I want more dammit!
  15. Divers, easily. Have you ever seen a diver kick ass like this?
  16. I'm taking extreme measures to ensure compliance.
  17. Sure. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had and add some extra, just for you.
  18. They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
  19. Daley and Beckham next to each other on the couch. A perfect pairing somehow.
  20. Fuck me, she really is gullible.
  21. It was dead nice walking along the South Bank last night, just mingling with people of all nations, all friendly. Obviously you get that in London in the summer anyway, and I'm sure it's annoying for anyone who's actually trying to get somewhere, but sod it - the place just feels that bit nicer right now.
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