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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    Just stumbled across a few blog posts on that very subject. Lovely stuff (especially the "worst" list - I had 3 of the 5 ). http://thefootballattic.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/rich-js-favourite-5subbuteo-items.html http://thefootballattic.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/chris-os-favourite-5-subbuteo-items.html http://thefootballattic.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/rich-js-5-worst-subbuteo-items.html
  2. Split the difference and serve the drinks in these.
  3. At least they're better at Eurovision.
  4. It matters to some extent, but it's far from the be-all and (bell)end-all.
  5. More importantly, though, Josef Craig is only 15?!
  6. Nothing particularly unusual about that. Shame if people think it's rare or out of the ordinary tbh.
  7. I suspect you're crediting Redknapp with too much (i.e. any) footballing intelligence. Spurs's loss, either way.
  8. Aye that's a great call, was thinking the same thing myself after the Stoke game.
  9. I don't know what's gayer, the ringtone or the word "fayre". Mine at the minute: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51fxCOHsKVM
  10. Being able to find the good side and look on it is a hugely underrated ability. Good on you, and all the very best to your mam and your brother.
  11. You don't get enough oddjobs on TV nowadays. Bland bland bland.
  12. I've signed up to the gym again and am actually enjoying it so far. It can't possibly last.
  13. Whatever gave you that impression?
  14. Not really - there's a hole in the system when it comes to people who are self-employed/freelance, for a start. Statutory health insurance membership is based on regular payments and hence requires regular income, which doesn't always tally with the pattern of self-employed work, hence lots of people opt out of the system rather than be faced with another monthly bill they can't meet simply because their work is heavily geared towards one season or one part of the economic cycle. Which means massive one-off bills if they do become ill (I can testify to a €500 charge just to see a specialist for five minutes, for example). An NHS-style system funded by taxation on income as and when it occurs is obviously far more favourable to the non-9-to-5-ers out there.
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/disability-sport/19493510 This has made my day like. Such a lovely guy and pretty unlucky in his F1 days, but excelling in two different fields after the challenges he's faced - respect.
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