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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. http://xkcd.com/1110/ xkcd gets even more ridiculous. RSI guaranteed.
  2. Meenzer


    Beanz Meanz Middle-Classez
  3. Doesn't sound like him, so it could be
  4. Meenzer


    Aye, I have a history with unpredictable ovens too...
  5. Meenzer


    You've just reminded me of the Bratwurst Tikka Masala as conceived in here.
  6. Meenzer


    Always a good bet. This is the recipe I tend to follow: http://home.bitchbuzz.com/tasty-quickie-mozzarella-parma-ham-wrapped.html
  7. That's the first Eurovision I recorded and kept. You've clearly been taking notes.
  8. Only just saw this. Unerringly accurate.
  9. Appropriately enough: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/insanity-wolf
  10. Unless that's also a euphemism, I am not.
  11. I like it when your little chubby turns up.
  12. Also, you don't want to be prejudiced, but doesn't he just look like a cunt? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/did-sir-norman-bettison-try-to-smear-hillsborough-inquest-judge-8142451.html
  13. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/hillsborough-warning-of-coverup-was-ignored-by-judge-8142516.html
  14. Watched this recently. Had some very interesting findings about the origins of Islam and the Mohammed myth. Presenter is a git though. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/islam-the-untold-story
  15. When you're eating the rind of a cheese, you're consuming more microbial cells than there are stars in the sky. True story.
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