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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. So they can make megabuck$$$ from lucrative movie franchises.
  2. Every single dinnertime at wolfy's house:
  3. That's your biggest porky pie yet.
  4. That's exactly what THEY want you to think
  5. Roger Milla (I know you mean current players but I firmly believe he's still scoring 30 a season somewhere)
  6. Because you pick and choose your battles. Real sceptics would reject you, and rightly so.
  7. You have no influence over the ingestion, digestion and excretion processes taking place within your body. All you see is food going in one end and a turd curling out the other. What do you think/believe/"know" happens between those two events?
  8. Meenzer


    Among anti-Semites and paedophile giants?
  9. Brilliant trip, that one. "Shake a tail feather" at half-time, "Happy Birthday" for Sir Bobby, fucking off back to Cologne as soon as humanly possible and getting on the weird 200ml beers.
  10. Just out of interest, what was it that changed your mind?
  11. Bump, just in case this got forgotten on the last page.
  12. Yeah they are, they're just different people to the ones you tend to encounter on here. You're a sheep.
  13. Damn. Shatter my illusions, why don't you?
  14. That's exactly my point, you wonderful, irony-averse thicko. You see "us" as one entity, The Group-Thinking All-Accepting Enemy, when "we're" nothing of the sort. You just need a big bad straw man to rail against otherwise your entire worldview would fall apart.
  15. This is the fundamental flaw in your mindset. You think that "we" never question things. "We" do, and frequently. "We're" just not mental like you.
  16. You can prove anything with evidence.
  17. I blindly and 100% agree with you.
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