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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm on the train to Newcastle that day. Arriving at 14:01. Bastid.
  2. I'm starting to see why CT is so suspicious of reading.
  3. 99/00 was worse though, as I'm sure we all remember only too well (13 points after 15 games), although at least things were on the up at this point. On the other hand, if now were then, we'd be discussing the performance of the likes of Stephen Glass rather than an Argentinian international.
  4. Don't count your chickens, a childhood of being exposed to your music collection might turn him gay yet.
  5. https://twitter.com/RoyalFoetus In related news, Kate's up the duff.
  6. Aye, like people pushing their pram/buggy into the back of your legs in the queue every time you shuffle forward, with apparently no awareness that they're even doing it.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmHMz_8KkJ4
  8. Aye, that sounds about right. The whole of Bavaria is basically a glorified theme park, but if you're in the mood it can be canny enough.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5oGB2Spkbw
  10. Berlin is fucking dangerous magnificent.
  11. A "Norwegian" who deals in lbs and oz. Rightio.
  12. Breivik invokes Godwin's Law; loses the internet. HONK!
  13. The latest series of Limmy's Show is right up to scratch. Only on BBC Scotland, but you can get it on iPlayer.
  14. Meenzer


    I'd definitely try it with chunky rather than smooth peanut butter, aye. Or throw in some sesame seeds and roughly crushed cashews if you want something that isn't as authentic but still has a pleasing bite to it. Never made satay at home though, because him indoors doesn't like nuts (the irony, I know).
  15. Don't worry, we went to your favourite restaurant so you were there in spirit.
  16. Canny, in spite of the result and all. Spent the night putting the world to rights in sunny Whitechapel with a Norwegian guy I hadn't seen since he was in my class at school in Year 9 (no, it wasn't LBT) and his colleague. Scandinavians can drink. I always forget this.
  17. I suspect Lindegaard would rather be called gay than Swedish.
  18. Brilliantly, this article wedged in a reference to the fact that he definitely has a girlfriend, but has now removed it.
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