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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. "Two Paul Gascoignes, there's only two Paul Gascoignes..."
  2. http://www.sarahlizzy.com/blog/?p=139
  3. At least you can be secure in the knowledge you'll turn out a well-rounded member of society like...... oh wait
  4. Meenzer


    Regular garlic press works fine for me tbh. Think it's IKEA if that helps. Grater is a sheet above a bowl type affair. Also from IKEA. Heja Sverige.
  5. Meenzer


  6. Or "French" as we call it within the educational system
  7. I'd forgotten how gold thith thread wath.
  8. Meenzer


    Ask them how they make their traditional, plain mayonnaise. I assume it's not Hellmann's, though it'd be hilarious if it was.
  9. Then you have our deepest sympathy.
  10. Yer cartoons on the left think being gay is a choice. Yer cartoon on the right needs to stop shopping at Primark. (I shop at Primark.)
  11. He certainly rocked that otter look.
  12. Time for them to face off against the ultimate rulers, Sweden! http://www.ufwc.co.uk/
  13. No need to be quite so deferential, Meenz will do.
  14. I can understand the arguments against it insofar as they come from a place where "marriage between a man and woman is something sacred" to the people concerned - but what they need to understand is it's not, and hasn't ever been. Their marrage might feel like something special, and that's wonderful for them, but have you seen some of life's detritus who already get hitched as the law stands now? You name it, it's out there, from bickering befringed charvas with their sausage roll crumb-smeared offspring serving as bridesmaids and page boys through to Arab oil CEOs snagging their fourth Russian bride until the novelty wears off and they go out looking for number five. If that's not enough to thoroughly devalue the concept of marriage already, it's hard to see how Adam and Steve's Faaaabulous Wedventure will ruin it for everyone.
  15. In that case, say "CBPL" too. Official name or not, if you're going to bend over and take it off the sponsors then you might as well be consistent. Out of interest, would you still say "SPL" if Berwick reached the top flight?
  16. And vice versa, it needs to be possible to retroactively upgrade a yellow card to a red for fouls that deserve it. The whole "the referee reported it so it can't be changed" line is ridiculous.
  17. The 1968 Eurovision Song Contest, live from the Royal Albert Hall. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89-NxF_T8IY
  18. But then the Tories will have an excuse for the next quarter of recession
  19. It's only been a couple of hours, but if I see that "Richard III ruled fit for work by ATOS" joke one more time.....
  20. For god's sake, man, did you not see this? Delete your post lest you drown in a flood of drool!
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