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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Oops, yesterday of course - watched it off TiVo and forgot we were a day behind
  2. "Female MPs" was a category on Pointless today. They didn't say but I suspect we'd all have got a big fat zero in that round.
  3. Good to know. I might give it a whirl after all.
  4. I watched it last night up until the point he introduced Jeremy Clarkson as one of the guests.
  5. I went to the (Christian) wedding of a lad from back home and an Indian lass. The evening buffet was curry and roast beef.
  6. Not being daft, but did the fact the song's called "Vincent" never pique your curiosity at all?
  7. Not even a transformer, dodgy or otherwise. Him indoors has just stumbled in from a boozy night with friends and is busy making ralph noises in the bathroom. I've put a glass of water by the bed. Truly, this is the equality we've been fighting for.
  8. Which MPs voted and how: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/feb/05/gay-marriage-gay-rights A few north-east MPs in the against/abstain camp. Particularly disappointed by Alan Beith. I've played Subbuteo at his house, I'd have accidentally stepped on a couple of the players if I'd known.
  9. Good on you Craig. One of my very best friends is currently transitioning in the other direction, if you will, and though he's not married it's not difficult to make the leap and imagine how heartbreaking a "forced divorce" situation must be.
  10. Aye, the Andy Goram chant is definitely about his weight. Fucking muppet.
  11. I love you, you twat. Regrettably, though, Heathcare has been irrelevant for nigh on eight years now. I've been watching BBC Parliament for half an hour and pretty much hate everyone on both sides. This can't end well.
  12. I know that's brilliantly hammy, but it's a damn sight more than would have been possible on US, UK or any telly a decade or two ago. It's really interesting how quickly the status quo has shifted towards the "well, duh".
  13. Meenzer


    All joking aside, that is one of the depressing things about cooking properly. I can see why some people live off ready meals when you have that "two hours in the kitchen = 10 minutes on the plate" equation to deal with.
  14. "Should not it stops there way coconut!" :lol: :lol:
  15. Meenzer


    5 minutes? You could open two cans of beans and a ready meal of mash in that time.
  16. Of course any kind of religious school is fundamentally wrong, but they're supported by the powers that be, so I suppose it's hard to argue against. I'd still like to think I'd choose not to send my kid there.
  17. Meenzer


    You'll never get enough use out of it to justify the price. Buy cheap, it crushes your soul less when you look in your cupboards and see all the shite you never actually use.
  18. Brilliant question. Let's see the answers...
  19. Slagging the man's weight isn't what that chant was saying.
  20. Meenzer


    The chav version (i.e. the one I have): http://www.amazon.co...fb_lfb_prodpg_4 And once you've peeled it, there are few recipes where you can't substitute "crushed garlic" with "finely chopped garlic", so no need for crushers or such devices.
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