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Everything posted by Meenzer

  2. "Red Ed" ffs. As if there's been any "red" left in Labour since 1994 at the latest.
  3. Gerraway man, 400 isn't a "tiny" venue, that's more than half the places I ever watch music. Nice environment for an act like Eels though.
  4. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013/feb/13/celtic-kris-commons-ambrose-juventus?CMP=twt_gu The (pseudo-)natives are revolting
  5. Saw that on BBC FOUR, it was very good. The "support" when I saw Eels with strings in Hamburg was a Russian cartoon called . At the Brighton Dome a couple of years ago it was a juggler.
  6. You might enjoy this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisstokelwalker/atari-teenage-riot-the-inside-story-of-pong-and-t (It does involve reading.)
  7. Meenzer


    Nearly picked up some spring greens to go in the pancakes instead of spinach. But I didn't. Fascinating story, I realise.
  8. Don't think there's a branch of theirs properly centrally is there? (like their pizzas a lot though). Can picture a few pizzerias in/around OCR though I've never been to any. To be honest I pretty much assume any business in that neck of the woods is tied up in all kinds of dodgy stuff.
  9. "Yet another food scandal? This is starting to feel like Groundhorse Day"
  10. Have you tried Maoz in Soho, Gloomy? Don't know if you're ever out and about in that neck of the woods these days, but they do the whole open falafel sandwich, sauce & salad bar thing. Not as authentic (or as much fun) as the Levantine holiday experience, I'm sure, but easily the best thing with which to start/end a night out within a considerable radius of Old Compton Street.
  11. Aye, you'll never train people to use tags though. Not in sufficient quantities at least. Suppose retro-fitting tags could be a mod duty too...
  12. And aye, it's good practice generally Tooj, will strive to keep an eye open for cases like that.
  13. Weighing yourself every day (at the same time of day) and tracking it is a good thing. Drawing conclusions from short-term changes or individual weigh-ins isn't. As long as the wider trend is a positive one, though, then It's just struck me that CT is basically adopting Gemmill's 5:2 daily fasting plan, but on an 11:1 monthly basis instead. He should write a diet book.
  14. http://www.theonion.com/articles/resigning-pope-no-longer-has-strength-to-lead-chur,31248/
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZiIQvUT7nE
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