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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Couple of slices of buttered bread to mop up with. Sorted.
  2. Oh, I don't know... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAKsGT9-XB0
  3. Meenzer


  4. Thought Marveaux's decision-making was poor all game, but at least it didn't matter in the end.
  5. http://espnfc.com/blog/_/name/tacticsandanalysis/id/919?cc=5739 Love the pic on this article. Klopp has been my hero since his Mainz days and this just makes him a thousand times cooler.
  6. Unless it's August. Then it's three months.
  7. I shall be honouring the French's glorious military history by waving one of these:
  8. It's not a year ending in an -8. (I'm ignoring Britpop because that turned out to be mostly tedious.)
  9. Merkel does have a certain evil faghag cachet.
  10. Finally got round to visiting the local legend that is Maggie a few weeks ago. Irishwoman of a certain age who delivers an artery-clogging breakfast of champions - 20 items (!), if you want them all - with charming brusqueness (and tops up your mug of tea every time she passes, whether you want it or not). Toast comes in white or white, already buttered; tea comes very milky. These things are indisputable. Marvellous place, marvellous if very slightly scary lady.
  11. My parents have just hit 65 and they've been to Georgia (the Caucasian one), Malaysia, Cuba, Jordan and god knows where else in the last few years. Bastids.
  12. Meenzer


    It doesn't really fit either bill, but I've got some really good stuff out of http://www.amazon.co...61291034&sr=8-1 (it's cheaper at Play.com and probably elsewhere too, but the Amazon link is more informative ).
  13. I don't really care much for either genre, with a small handful of exceptions in each case. Not sure if this makes me a bloke or a lass or both.
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